Thursday, May 29, 2014

Day 1710

Wednesday, May 25, 2014

A nice sunny day here today and 25º.
Ruby up to the chalet for her exercise. After breakfast I went into Noel's to help him finish up the railing, gate, etc on his deck. Then we got ready, picked up Justin at Noel's, and drove to Burlington where we got the GO Train to Union Station in Toronto. Out for supper then to the Rogers Center for a Blue Jays / Rays ball game. Met Rhoda and her friends there and after the game, Michelle, gave us a tour of the Blue Jays control center at the Rogers Center. Michelle is Rhoda's daughter and she works for the Blue Jays. She arranged the tickets and tour for us. We then walked to Union Station, got the GO Train back to Burlington and drove from there to home.

Blue Jays ball game.......

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