Saturday, May 24, 2014

Day 1706

A nice sunny day here today and 22º. Its 21º here now.
Ruby up to the park chalet this morning for her exercise and to help clean the chalet after. I went into Noels' to pick up Damien and took him to the golf course. We hit out a bucket of balls on the driving range and then he had another hour of golf lessons. After that I dropped Damien at Noel's I went back home to pick up Ruby and we went to another golf course where we met Gerry & Yvonne and played 9 holes with them. Then back home for a quick supper and I went and picked up Damien from a birthday party and took him back to the golf course where he had a 9 hole playing lesson. After that I brought him back to the birthday party for a sleepover. Noel, Sarah, Payton & Landon here for supper and Payton is staying here tonight.

More golf training........

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