Saturday, August 31, 2013

Day 1461

A mix of sun and cloud here today and 26. Its 22 here now.
Out for a walk this morning and Ruby up to the park chalet for her workout. After breakfast it was back at the moving again - shed is done and Ruby making great headway with the trailer and the attached shed. Noel & Sarah here after lunch and took a few things with them. I then went down to the end of the park along with a few other golfers and helped do some work on the little golf course we are setting up in the park. We are doing 3 greens and having 9 tee-off spots. The cups and pins are set up so today we put sand on the greens, screened them and rolled them. Hoping to seed the greens tomorrow. In the evening we went to the field behind the chalet for a corn boil.

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