Saturday, August 24, 2013

Day 1454

Its looks as if our home is sold. We had a couple here yesterday and they called this morning and said they want to buy it and will be here Monday to seal the deal. They want to take ownership on Sept 15 so we have 3 weeks to get out lol. Hopefully everything will go through ok.

Another nice sunny day here today and 26º. Its 19º here now.
Up to the park gym this morning and then up to the chalet for our talent show rehearsal. Noel brought Damien & Payton here before lunch. After lunch I took the grandkids for a walk in the forest and then we went to the pool. Noel here after he got off work and picked up Damien & Payton. After supper we went to the Braemar Valley Talent show and had a great time with a good laugh.

Pool time......

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