Sunday, June 2, 2013

Day 1371

A cloudy wet day here today with showers throughout the day and 23º. Its 16º here now.
Up to the park gym this morning. After Payton gave Ruby her breakfast in bed me and Payton went into Woodstock and picked up a birthday cake for Ruby. After we got back Payton lasted about an hour before she had to tell gramma lol. Noel dropped Damien here at lunchtime. Noel. Sarah & Justin here in the afternoon for Ruby's birthday party. Justin flew here from Calgary to surprise Ruby and Noel & Sarah picked him up at the London Airport. Good to see him and he is staying at Noel's tonight and Noel will bring him back to the airport tomorrow. Had a great birthday party/supper.

Payton doing her thing lol ......

Ruby's birthday party/supper .....

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