Sunday, June 30, 2013

Day 1399

A mostly sunny day here today and 24º. Its 24º here now.
Working on setting up a laptop for a lady here in the park this morning. Ruby got at cooking supper. After lunch I returned the laptop and gave a crash course in how to use it. Noel, Sarah, Damien, Payton & Brook here in the afternoon. All up to the pool before supper and then back for Ruby's great supper. After supper we all went for a stroll around the park and enjoyed the lovely evening with the family.

Family day.......

Day 1398

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Oops forgot again lol
Cloudy in the morning but sunny in the afternoon here today and 24º.
After a light breakfast we met Gerry & Yvonne at a golf course in Woodstock and played 9 holes of golf with them. Out for lunch after. We then went to Noel's and picked up the grandkids and took them shopping   (always lots of fun) for their gift for passing. They both passed with Damien going to grade 4 and Payton going to grade 2 - my they are growing up. After we went back to Noel's and dropped of the grandkids and had a short visit with Noel & Sarah. When we got back home I trimmed the lawn and Ruby mowed it. Then I went to the park pool to freshen up. After that I went to a lady's place here in the park to set up her laptop. Brought the laptop back to our place to get everything set up for her.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Day 1397

A wet one here today with rain all day and 21. Its 18 here now.
Up the the park gym this morning and Ruby up for zumba. After breakfast got at checking why there is an odor here in our trailer. Found trouble with our sewer pipe and took all morning and into the afternoon to get things all straightened out. Out for a little walk around the park before supper. Relaxing after.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Day 1396

A warm cloudy day here today with rain in the morning and 26º. Its 21º here now.
Ruby up to the park chalet for zumba and line dancing this morning. I was suppose to play golf but had to cancel due to the rain. After lunch I took my bus back to Sharp's in Kitchener and then stayed for a year end supper. After supper I was brought back home by another bus driver.

School pics.......

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Day 1395

Another hot sunny day here today and 30º. Its 24º here now.
Did my morning bus run and stopped at McDs after. Ruby up to the park chalet for zumba. After I got home I went to the park gym for a workout and then to the pool. Ruby back to the park chalet for another workout and then to the pool. I did my afternoon bus run - last school run this school year. After supper I cleaned the bus and took my things out to get ready to return the bus to Kitchener tomorrow. Then we went to the pool again to cool down for the night.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Day 1394

Another warm day here today with a mix of sun and cloud and 27. Its 24 here now.
Did my morning bus run. Ruby into Woodstock for her meeting, lunch and shopping after. I did my afternoon bus run and when I got back I set up a laptop for a couple here in the park. After supper we went to the park pool.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Day 1393

Another hot day here today and 30. Its 27 here now.
Did my morning bus run and Ruby up to the park chalet for zumba. After I got back from my bus run 3 of us from the park went for 9 holes of golf in Woodstock. Ruby and the ladies at the pool after their zumba. After I got home from golf I did my afternoon bus run. Ruby up to the pool for another swim and I went to the pool after my bus run. Out for a walk around the park after supper. Gonna watch the hockey game now.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Day 1392

Another hot muggy one here today and 31º. Its 26º here now.
Up to the park gym this morning. After a light breakfast we took Payton to Noel's and then went to a golf course in Woodstock where we met Gerry & Yvonne and played 9 holes of golf. Out for lunch after our golf game. After we got home Noel, Sarah, Damien, Payton & Brooklyn (Sarah's niece) came here and we all went to the park pool. After that we went to the pond at the end of the park to feed the fish and had a walk around the park. Then we all went to Noel's for supper and after supper went to Sarah's ball game in Woodstock. 

Enjoying our family.....