Thursday, February 21, 2013

Day 1270

A nice warm sunny day here today and 78º (26º). Its 71º (21º) here now.
Out for a walk this morning. Jim and Linda (our good friends from our park in Woodstock) here for a visit. We spent the afternoon enjoying their company and out for lunch together - good to see them. After they left I got at checking for the antifreeze leak on our motorhome. Took awhile because its so hard to see the rad connections etc. Found a very slow leak where the top radiator hose connects to the rad - clamp was tightened as far as it could be. Buck had a clamp so I installed it along side the one that is already there and will check in the morning to see if it stopped the leak. Ruby out for a walk after.

Gotta love it


Good friends visiting

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