Friday, December 14, 2012

Day 1201

Sunny day here today and 66º (19º). Its 59º (15º) here now.
Out for a few laps round the park this morning. After breakfast me & Ruby and our neighbors, Buck & Marie, went to Costco in Clearwater for a little shopping. In the afternoon the four of us went to a sports bar here in Largo for some refreshments & wings and a few couples from the bowling league here in the park joined us. After supper we went to the park hall and then went caroling throughout the park. We covered the whole park - would knock on the doors of people in their trailers and they would come out and listen to the us singing a carol and then we would wish them a Merry Christmas - we didn't sing good but we tried our best lol. Then it was back to the hall for some refreshments & snacks. A busy day but we are enjoying it.

At the Sports Bar


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