Monday, December 31, 2012

Day 1218

A nice sunny day here today and 76º (24º). Its 68º (20º) here now.
Out for a walk this morning. Relaxing today - watching the Canadian Juniors and enjoying the warm sunny weather. Getting ready now to go to the park hall for a New Years celebration.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Day 1217

A sunny day here today and 56 (13). Its 50 (10) here now.
After breakfast this morning we went to St. Petes where we met Gerry and Yvonne at a golf course there and played 9 holes of golf with them. After golf the four of us went out for lunch and then stopped at a store. Then back to our park for some relaxing.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Day 1216

Rain here this morning but cleared up before lunch and a mix of sun & cloud after and 72º (22º). Its 58º (15º) here now.
After breakfast we went to the flea market and sold our old golf clubs and bags to a used golf seller their. Also, picked up a few things there. Stopped at a store on the way back to pick up a few more things. After we got back I got at setting up some shelving and fridge in our shed - shed all set up now just have to paint the outside later. After supper Ruby & Marie went to bingo at the park hall.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Day 1215

Sunny in the morning here today but cloudy in the afternoon with rain before supper time and 69 (20). Its 63 (17) here now.
Out for a walk around the park this morning. After breakfast got the fridge that we had picked up yesterday ready for our shed. Then we gave the shed a good cleaning. Went to the store after to pick up an extension cord to run power to the shed. After we got back I drilled a hole in the shed floor to run the cord inside. Then it started to rain so we put things back in the shed - will sort it out later. Relaxing after.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Day 1214

A nice sunny day here today but with a cool wind and 57 (14). Its 52 (11) here now.
Ruby went to her TOPS class this morning. After she got back we went to the golf course across from our park and played 18 holes of golf with the park league. After golf me and Buck went and picked up the small fridge we had ordered for our shed. Relaxing after that.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Day 1213

A cloudy morning here this morning with a thunderstorm at noon and some sun after and 73º (23º).  Its 59º (15º) here now.
Out for a few laps around the park this morning. After breakfast we went to a couple of stores to exchange/return a couple of items. In the afternoon we transferred our golf items from our old golf bags to our new golf bags to get them ready for tomorrow morning. After supper we cleaned the sticker glue from our new golf clubs - don't know why the stores do that, stick the price sticker etc on the club shafts and very hard to get them and the glue off. We then walked around the park a few times.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Day 1212

A cloudy day here today and 71º (22º). Its 65º (18º) here now.
Santa found us down here and delivered lots of golf gifts to both of us along with other things. After all the gifts were opened and after breakfast we went to the beach for a little while. When we go back we went to the park hall to help get things ready for the Christmas dinner. Then home to dress and back to the hall for a great dinner. After that we were at the neighbours across the road for a few refreshments.

Our 1st Christmas Day in Florida