Monday, October 1, 2012

Day 1125

A nice sunny day here today and 18©. Its 12© here now.
Ruby into Noel's at 4:30 am for him to go to work and to wait for the grandkids to get up. After they got up she got them ready for school and then took them to school. After she got back home we had breakfast and then I went to Thamesford to see our doctor. After I got back I brought our motorhome up from the parking place to our lot to get some things done for our trip down south. Low water alarm was operating on the motorhome and there was a coolant leak. Called Carrier Truck as they were the ones who had installed a new radiator in August and the motorhome had not been moved since then. They told me to bring it there and they would check it out this afternoon. So I but enough water in the radiator to reset the alarm and took it to Carrier Trucks. Ruby followed me in and then we returned home. I got at giving our shed a good cleaning - quite the mess there as a lot of debris went into the shed when I tore of the old roof and replaced it. Took everything out, gave it a good cleaning, threw away some junk and cleaned and put things back in the shed - took all afternoon and after supper ubtil 8 pm. During supper Carrier Trucks called with some bad news - new radiator is cracked on top and will have to be replaced. They have to order a new one (3 days) and install it. The good thing is that it will not cost me anything - hopefully. Noel dropped the grandkids here after supper for a sleepover.

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