Saturday, December 24, 2011

Day 843

Cold but sunny day here today and 0º. Its -1º here now.
After breakfast Ruby went into Woodstock to pick up a few things - thought she was finished her shopping but guess not lol. I cleaned the corn stove while she was gone. Ruby did another cake when she got home. After that it was mostly relaxing until we went out for supper at an Asian restaurant with Japanese & Chinese food. When we left there we drove around Woodstock looking at the Christmas lights. We used to have Chinese food every Christmas eve with Bruce, Marlene, Carla, Jeremy & Justin and then take the youngsters out around Deer Lake to see the lights but how things have changed. After we got home we relaxed with a glass of wine and talked to Helen, Earl, Marlene, Bruce & Carla. Got all the gifts put under the tree and having an early to bed.

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