Saturday, December 31, 2011

Day 850

Mild cloudy day here today and 4º. Its 2º here now.
After breakfast I gave the corn stove its monthly cleaning. Ruby into Woodstock to pick up a few things and some Chinese food for our New Years Eve supper. After I finished with the corn stove I unpacked Ruby's trike and put it together - will have to be set up more later. Noel, Tammy, Damien & Payton here for supper and we enjoyed their company for a couple of hours after. We are currently watching the Canada/US hockey game and plan on watching the New Years countdown later while enjoying a glass of wine and some snacks to welcome in the Hew Year.

Enjoying New Year's Eve with our family

Friday, December 30, 2011

Day 849

Mild cloudy day here today and 4º. Its 3º here now.
After breakfast out for a small walk around the park. Noel & Tammy dropped the grandkids here before lunch. After lunch I took them up on the park hill for some sliding but the snow was to wet for it. We came back home and the four of us made a couple of snowmans - lots of fun there. Noel & Tammy picked them up before supper. Some relaxing after.

Our fun day with the grandkids