Saturday, October 29, 2011

Day 787

Mostly sunny day here today with some cloudy periods and 8º. Its 2º here now.
Ruby TOPS class picked her up this morning and they went to a TOPS inspirational get together in Stratsford for the day. I went for a walk and after breakfast I got back at trying to find the leak in the storage room I built this summer - its leaking where the room is joined to the trailer or I should say the water is coming in there. After some trial and error with the water hose I think I found it and hopefully got it fixed - water was running uphill lol. It was not leaking in the join but water was backing up under some shingles above the join and and then running under the shingles to the join and into the room. Hopefully its all fixed and we will see at the next rainfall. After that Noel picked me up and we went in deer hunting with our bows. I didn't see anything but Noel saw 3 does but they were across a brook and to far away for a shot. Time for some relaxing after.

Trail cam pics

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