Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Day 36

No work outdoors this morning - high winds and rain. Spent the morning changing our mailing address online and on the phone - so many lol. Managed to get outside after lunch and did some cleanup on the corn stove vents. Insurance man here at 3 and we got our vehicle insurance straightened up finally. Now all we have to do is get 3 new tires on the RV, get inspection sticker and hopefully they will give us our Ontario plates. I say hopefully because we still cannot get our Ontario drivers licence. We'll find out Saturday. Damien and Payton here for lunch. Cleared away patio to make some room to do some work on it - do window extensions and cut gyprock - after supper. Suppose to be a nice day tomorrow so we will be cracking on the siding on the sun room.

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