Saturday, October 31, 2009

Day 60

Still warm this morning but cooled off during the day with lots of wind.
Finally finished work today - 1st day of retirement tomorrow.
Finished sanding gyprock joins and took up patio blocks and frame around flower bed in front of trailer. Two big trees there and we have a company coming with a crane to remove them as they are to close to the trailer and there roots are causing trouble. Into Noel's for supper and tended the door for trick or treaters while they took Damien and Payton out around the neighborhood. Lots of treats for the grandkids. Mom & dad called us while we were there. After, the kids came back to the trailer to have a sleepover with us and Noel & Tammy went to a Halloween party.
Hey Helen & Earl - I guess its good to be back home after being on the road for 3 weeks.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Day 59

Nice morning again for a walk - 12 degrees. Ruby out with me this morning - her flu is just about over. Sanded the plaster on the sun room walls and Ruby put another coat of paint on the storm door and window extensions. Put some more plaster on the joins. A little sanding tomorrow and we will be ready to try some painting to see how well I plastered. Ruby went to the Dollar Store with Tammy, Damien & Payton - they had a hard time convincing her to go shopping but with a little arm twisting they got her to go lol. We listened to the hockey game between the Cats and the Royals on the internet -seemed like a pretty good game. Hope the Wings can get a win tomorrow night.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Day 58

Nice morning for a walk - 11 degrees. Put another coat of plaster on the sun room walls. Ruby put a coat of paint on the storm door extension and the window extensions. After that we went into Noel's for a visit before supper. Checking on getting a cell phone booster for here as the reception is really low. Found one on ebay and ordered it - hope it works ok when we get it. Do not want to get a land line in as we currently have our 2 cells so this may fix the low reception problem - we'll see. Ruby is feeling better each day.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Day 57

Lite rain this morning but clear up to be a nice sunny warm day again. Put the first coat of plaster on the sun room walls today (where's mooga when you need him lol). Also caulked around the storm door and filled in the holes in the window extensions. Enough for today, we are starting to learn that we do not have to do it all today, we are off again tomorrow lol. So doing a little bit each day may be better then working at it for long hours as we've been doing. After all I will be retiring on Sunday so I have to learn to take it easy. Ruby working on filing our photos and her recipes - I don't know which we have the most of. Ruby is feeling a lot better, getting over her flu but now Tammy has it.

Day 56

Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Another warm day. Getting in a walk every morning now, its 8 to 10 degrees at 8 am and things are advanced enough with our rebuilding that we can take some time for ourselves. Into Woodstock and picked up supplies to get ready to plaster. Talked to Adrian (park owner) to see if it was ok to remove the 2 big trees in front of out trailer - he said we can get them removed if we want to. They are to close to the trailer, cause moss and a lots of leaves on the roof, eaves trough and the vehicle, so they got to go. Called 2 tree removal companies and they are going to come here and give me a free estimate on removing them. Me and Noel could possibly cut them down but they are very big trees and who knows where they will go, don't want to do any damage. Picked up some shelving and installed new shelves in the computer cabinet. Dug out all my computer accessories and items and set them up in the computer cabinet. Got it all to fit too lol.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Day 55

A beautiful warm sunny day up this way. Moved some more things around - we're still trying to figure out where to put it all, but its starting to look good. Finished spraying foam around window and storm door. Also finished all the gyprocking. Ready to start the plastering - should be fun. Another late supper, even though we don't have to work tomorrpw, (lol) we wanted to get it finished today. Ruby still not feeling well - still has the flu.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Day 54

Nice warm sunny day. Finished installing window extensions and fill around windows with expanding spray foam. Into Woodstock and purchased a computer cabinet as I have to have to get all the computer gear out of the shed and inside before it gets too cold. Me, Noel & James went deer hunting at 1500 and stayed until dark. Still no luck - have not seen a deer since we go here - they must know i'm after them lol. Put computer cabinet together when I got back from hunting - just have to figure out where to locate it now - space is tight.

Day 53

Saturday, Oct 24/09
Cloudy with sunny periods today - warm. 20 bags of corn arrived this morning - won't be cold here now hey Helen & Earl. Built and installed pine extensions on 3 of our new windows. Noel and the grandkids here for supper.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Day 52

East wind and rain today - cold. Helen and Earl left for her sisters place at 10:30. It was certainly great to have them here with us for a couple of days - we had a great time with them. Thanks you two - we miss you already. Moved around a bit of furniture today - one of these days we will figure out where to put it all. Couldn't do much outdoors today. Ruby has the flu - lets hope she doesn't get to sick and that it doesn't last long. Ordered 20 bags of corn, should be here tomorrow morning.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Day 51

We let Helen sleep in this morning as it was her birthday. Noel, Damien & Payton out for a visit at lunch time. We were into Woodstock after lunch for some more shopping (is there no end to it lol) and we went to the Woodstock Casino to check it out. Earl tried $5 but that didn't last long. We were planning on going back to the casino after supper but with the meal and some wine everyone sort of crashed and we watched a movie instead. Its hard to get the old folks moving after supper lol.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Day 50

Rain showers this morning but warm. Earl complaining about it being too warm with the corn stove on. Wyatt, Ruby, Helen & Earl in Toronto and to Repo Depo to check out some vehicle but we got rained out and could not check the outside ones. Went to Future Shop where me and Helen purchased a Canon SX20 IS camera. Helen's was for her birthday present tomorrow. Back to Kitchener and to the Fairview Mall and the to the Mandarin restaurant for supper where the four of us ate way to much. On the way back home we dropped into visit the grandkids. Jennie (Tammy's friend) was there - nice to see her again.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Day 49

Great morning for our walk - 8c and sunny. Did some tidying up this morning to get ready for the visit of Helen and Earl - had to look good for the mayor and first mate lol. Into Noel's to meet Helen and Earl but I think they were lost so we drove out to meet them but they got to Noel's by themselves. All hands here for BBQ for supper - Wyatt, Ruby, Noel, Tammy, Damien, Payton, Helen & Earl. Had a nice relaxing evening with Helen & Earl - a few drinks and lots of talk. Into Toronto tomorrow to Repo Depo if I can get them on he go early enough.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Day 48

Out for our walk this morning, -1C but nice and sunny. Into Woodstock to pick up some supplies. After finished installing the screen door, ya ever try to fit a rectangle into a trapezoid lol. We got it after awhile. Thanks Marge and Wilf for the birthday cards for me, Noel & Damien. Damien loved his gift - can't go wrong with that gift. Ruby into see the grandkids after supper, I was late eating due to finishing up the storm door. Helen and Earl are suppose to pay us a visit tomorrow - will be great to see them.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Day 47

Frost last night but a beautiful sunny day. Me and Ruby out for an 1/2 hour walk at 0830 this morning. Took batteries out of motor home and charged 2 - will need some distilled water for the other 4 before I can charge them. Installed wheel covers on motor home tires and covered air intake vent. Its now ready for winter. Insulated hot water tank in trailer, covered air conditioner and started installing storm door. Once storm door is installed the trailer will be ready for winter on the outside. Talk to Donnie today and Ruby was talking to Marlene - nice to hear from them. Noel and the grandkids out for a visit before supper - Ruby had supper ready for them but the grandkids wanted Subway so she packed some for Noel and Tammy.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Day 46

Into Noel's this morning to pick up car dolly and bring to park. Wouldn't you know it the new lights I brought wouldn't fit properly but with a little adjustment next spring I will get them on okay. Me and Noel stored car dolly in park down by our RV. Then back into Noel's to set up the new inflatable castle they purchased for Damien's birthday party. It's a good quality item for the kids to have lots of fun jumping in. Into Damien's party at 1130. He had quite the party with lots of gifts and all the kids had lots of fun. Tammy went to work at 3 so Noel and the grandkids came out to our place for supper. Ruby had a delicious pot of turkey soup made. They left right after supper as Damien was in a hurry to get home and play with all his presents. Nice and sunny all day.

Day 45

For Friday, Oct 16/09
Sunny day but they had snow in Woodstock - getting close. We took the day off from our trailer work and went to the RV show in Toronto. It's unbelievable the number of trailers and motor homes they had in the building. We had a great time viewing some of them and we picked up 2 sets of wheel covers for our RV. Hopefully they will help protect our new tires. On the way back we went to the Mandarin restaurant in Kitchener for supper. It was recommended by Noel & Tammy and boy were they ever right. Its a all you can eat buffet and the food and service was fantastic. Ruby tried her best to try it all, especially the desserts, but she couldn't do it lol. We dropped in to visit the grandkids on the way home. It was great to have a relaxing day away from all the work. I think it's the first full day off since we arrived here. Great to be retired hey!!!!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Day 44

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAMIEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cloudy and cold today - easterly wind. Cleaned up and built rack on back of shed to hold left over lumber etc. Noel and Payton here and we took leafs and scrap from sun room work to dumpster in park. Ruby did some washing down of the trailer and cleaned the inside of the SUV. I mowed the lawn - I think it is the first time I ever mowed the lawn on this late in the year - Oct 15. Out to supper in Stratford for Damien's birthday - he picked McDonald's (who would have guessed). His party is Saturday. Me and Ruby are planning on going to Toronto tomorrow morning to take in the RV show there.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Day 43

More frost last night. Cloudy with sunny periods and still cool. Finished up small things with siding - these small things take longer then doing a full wall. Most of work on trailer done outside now only have to cover air conditioner and insulate around hot water tank. Still lots of work inside. Grandkids went home at 1100 and Ruby started raking up leaves. She finished at 1915 and she filled 30 bags - plenty of aches now. Also started to clean up mess in lot from all the work.

Day 42

For Tuesday Oct 13/09
Frost again last night. Sunny periods but cool. Picked up and set up bin on patio for holding the corn for our corn stove - should hold 12 bags of corn. Into Noel's for his birthday supper. The grandkids out with us for a sleep over.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Day 41

Cold this morning - frost last night. Put some more siding on the sun room. Ruby cooked a fabulous Thanksgiving Day supper. All the family here for it - great time with them. Its great to be sharing those special days with them. Me and Noel are going deer hunting for a couple of hours tomorrow morning. Noel's birthday tomorrow.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Day 40

Sunny today but wind very cold. Installed corn stove today and got it up and running - great heat. Took awhile figuring out how it all works but its running nicely now. Will have to get use to setting the thermostats and corn feed. That will come with experience. Also, did some gyprocking in the sun room. Things are coming along. Noel, Damien & Payton here for supper. Looking forward to thanksgiving supper tomorrow with all the family. HAPPY THANKSGIVING tomorrow everybody - hope you have a good one.

Day 39

For Saturday Oct 10/09
A little cool today but lots of sunny periods. The 6 of us were out to a pumpkin farm this morning. The grandkids had lots of fun with the rides, mazes, petting farm, air castles, etc and of course the pumpkin patch. We all brought home some pumpkins. At 1530 me, Noel and James went deer hunting until 1900. No luck again but we'll keep trying. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAN!!!!!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Day 38

Raining all day here today. Took the RV into London this morning and had 3 new tires installed. Then back to truck center in Woodstock to get safety inspection paper. After I got back home me & Ruby went to registration office in Woodstock to try and get the plates for our motorhome and SUV. There was a mix up i the serial number on the RV - wrong number on Newfoundland registration. They agreed to straighten that out for us but then they wanted our passports before they would issue us any plates as we did not have an Ontario drivers licence due to the strike. So back home to fill out the forms and get our passports. Back to Woodstock where, hallelujah, we finally got our plates for both vehicles. Took awhile but we got'em. Ruby was in with the grandkids at lunch time while Tammy worked. Damien still not feeling well but a little better than yesterday. Hopefully he will be good tomorrow to go to the pumpkin patch.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Day 37

Beautiful day here today. Me & Ruby got lots of work done outside today. Got the siding on most of the sun room, just the back left to do. Payton was here helping us out. Noel. Tammy, Damien & Payton here after Damien finished his karate. Damien not feeling well. Cleaned out corn stove and me and Noel put in sun room - good weight. Suppose to get some rain tomorrow but I have to take the RV to London anyhow. Thanks Helen and Earl for the birthday card - Earl certainly knows how to pick out a nice card.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Day 36

No work outdoors this morning - high winds and rain. Spent the morning changing our mailing address online and on the phone - so many lol. Managed to get outside after lunch and did some cleanup on the corn stove vents. Insurance man here at 3 and we got our vehicle insurance straightened up finally. Now all we have to do is get 3 new tires on the RV, get inspection sticker and hopefully they will give us our Ontario plates. I say hopefully because we still cannot get our Ontario drivers licence. We'll find out Saturday. Damien and Payton here for lunch. Cleared away patio to make some room to do some work on it - do window extensions and cut gyprock - after supper. Suppose to be a nice day tomorrow so we will be cracking on the siding on the sun room.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Day 35

Took RV to truck center for safety and emission check. Nothing serious wrong except 3 tires have to be replaced due to cracks in them. They did not have tires there so will have to take RV to London on Friday to get tires installed and then they will give me my safety inspection sticker. Also have the insurance man coming tomorrow to get the insurance straightened up on our vehicles - hopefully. Picked up our siding we ordered from Home Hardware and will get started at that tomorrow if not raining. Corn stove also ready to be installed - never a dull moment. Payton out most of the day - Damien in school. Set up antenna on the roof. At least we get a few channels until better things come along.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Day 34

Took Envoy into Muffler Man to have safety and emission check done. Got a surprise when I was told all rotors, brake pads and outer tie rod end would have to be replaced. Well it had to be done so that took 3.5 hours. While this was being done checked out some insurance on the Envoy and the motor home. Was told that we have to have an Ontario drivers licence before we could get any insurance in Ontario. Told them we could not get a new drivers licence because of the strike up here. No difference - no licence no insurance - no insurance no registration etc etc etc. Its just a vicious circle. Called the insurance man we have the home insurance with and explained the situation, he checked with his office and they agreed to insure the vehicles as long as we get then registered right away in Ontario and we would keep our Newfoundland licence until the strike is over. Taking the RV out to a truck center to get inspected tomorrow morning - hope there's no more surprises. Damien & Payton here while Tammy worked and we were into Noel's after supper to do some work on his brakes. Replaced rear brake shoes - one had separated pad. No damaged done though - front ones ok.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Day 34

Took the grandkids into Woodstock to do there shopping with their allowance. Met Noel & Tammy on the way and they went in too. After me, Noel & James went looking for some deer again. James saw one, but to far away. It was dark when we got back and the grandkids were here as Tammy was working. Have to get back at the work on the trailer tomorrow - haven't done any since Thursday. Still lots to do.

Day 33

Saturday Oct 03/09 - forgot to post again last night lol.
Noel, Tammy and the grandkids out this morning and brought my birthday presents and cards. Its great to have them for my birthday. Me, Noel and James went deer hunting after lunch. Intended to hunt until 1900. Got set up in our spots - Noel in a tree, me in a tent blind and James beside a big tree. Then the storm came. First we had strong winds, then thunder & lightning with rain and hail stones. After that, with another storm on the horizon, we decided to leave for home. Noel and James were wet but I was dry as I was in a tent. Oh well, try another day. When we got home Ruby and the grandkids had the place decorated for my birthday party. Me, Ruby and the grandkids had a birthday supper (Noel & Tammy had a 'date night'). We gad a great time with the grandkids - birthday cake, decorations, loot bags, etc. They stayed the night with us. We watched a movie and some hockey.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Day 32

Raining most of the day. Went to London this morning and applied for our Ontario Health Cards. Also checked on getting our vehicles registered. Cannot get our drivers licence change due to strike and we need our Ontario drivers licence to get our vehicles done. We explained that our Newfoundland insurance will only cover our vehicles for 30 days so we need to get them registered in Ontario to have them insured here. They agreed to do it so I have an appointment to get a safety and emission check done on the envoy on Monday at 0800. Then we have to obtain insurance here and hopefully then they will change our registration. Fun and games lol. Tammy and the grandkids out for a visit after supper. No work on the home today - we needed a couple of days off from all the work and to get some of the paper work cleared up.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Day 31

Another busy day for me and Ruby. Finished the skirting around the trailer and built 2 access doors. A lot of cutting and fitting and of course we did not have enough material so had to make a trip to Woodstock which killed a hour and 1/2. Started at 0800 and finished at 1730. Just got the grey vinyl to put on the sun room and install the corn stove vent and we will be pretty well finished on the outside (I think). Still lots of work inside though so we won't be bored lol.