Sunday, May 8, 2022

Day 4931

 A sunny day here today with a cool wind and 17. It's 13 here now.

Grandkids up from the house this morning to have our Sunday bacon and eggs breakfast. After that me and Noel got back at doing some more insulating in the shack out back - got all the walls finished. Then Bob and Sue here for our Mothers Day supper. We were very late eating because of the delay in getting our Mary Browns order. Ordered it with the Mary Browns app with delivery. Ordered at 1645 and was supposed to be delivered by Skip the Dishes by 1721. Tracked the driver on the app but he got so far and stopped. After waiting until 1745 tried calling the store but no answer. Sarah finally got through and she was told the driver had quit. Me and Ruby went to the store to check things out. We were told by one person that they didn't know what happened to our order and one told us our food just left. We informed them that we hadn't received any food and they said they would redo the order. Got our food and just as we got outside a driver called and said our order was delivered and then Noel called to say they had it. So back home with the order we picked up, so we ended up with double order. Lots of chicken for awhile lol. Late eating but still tasty 

Mothers Day breakfast for gramma...

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