Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Day 4354

 A mix of sun and cloud here today with rain showers in the morning & afternoon and 29. Its 25 here now.

After breakfast this morning we took the WEGO bus from the park to Niagara Falls where we purchased a 24 hours pass. Raining on the way in but stopped when we got there. Spent some time at the falls and did the Journey Behind the Falls thing etc. Then took the bus from there to Clifton Hills where we had lunch, rode the SkyWheel, did the tourist thing etc. After that we took the WEGO bus back to the park and it started to rain on the way back so we hit the weather right on. When we got back to the park and the rain stopped I took the grandkids to the pool. We did some wieners and buns on the fire for supper and then the rain came again. 

Our day in Niagara...

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