Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Day 4279

 Day 8 of quarantine...

A mix of sun and cloud here today and 25. Its 18 here now.

We were up early this morning and logged on to Watch Health to get our 2nd Covid-19 test done - only 378 ahead of us. After 1 1/2 hours we got to talk to a nurse and she walked us through the process in about 20 minutes. Then booked Purolator to pick them up in the afternoon and put them down on Noel's deck for them to pick up there. After breakfast I went out for my walk around the property and while I was doing that got a call from Purolator that they would be coming in the morning. They picked up at 1047 - now to wait for the results. Also while I was out walking got a call from the government checking to see how we were doing. After lunch I started at Noel's income tax. Ruby did some more baking and cooking. 

Newest member of the family lol...

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