Friday, March 6, 2020

Day 3842

A mostly sunny day here today with a cool wind and 20. Its 17 here now.
Out for a walk tis morning. After breakfast Ruby went to the clubhouse to run the exercise class. Then she was back home to freshen up and back to the clubhouse for a meeting on the entertainment for our park picnic. I did up, delivered & posted some items for the park association. After that I did up and printed some UPS shipping labels for a person here in our park. Then me, Ruby, Larry & Fidele went to a restaurant/bar on gulf blvd to check out a singer there - looking for someone to do the music for our Welcome Back party here in November. Talk to the singer and will look at booking him. After we got back home I went to the clubhouse to get the bingo mic to check out why it's not working. Checked it out, did some soldering on it and took it back to the clubhouse to check it out - working ok now. After supper Ruby got at checking out and doing some work on our costumes for the park picnic.

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