Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Day 3770

A mostly sunny day here today and 26. Its 21 here now.
Watch the grandkids open their gifts this morning. After that me & Larry went to the clubhouse where we got 2 turkeys ready and put them in the cookers for our park Christmas dinner. When I got back home I put away and returned things (canopies, tables, etc)  from the Street Party yesterday. Ruby over to the clubhouse to help set up for dinner. After lunch me & Larry went back to the clubhouse where we cut up 2 hams and placed them in a cooker to keep them warm. Also removed the 2 turkeys, cut them up, placed them in foil pans and put them back in the cookers to keep them warm. Ruby took the stock to our place to make a large pot of gravy. We then got ready and went to the clubhouse for Christmas dinner and helped clean up after dinner.

Santa found us...

 Christmas dinner....

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