Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Day 3776

A mix of sun and cloud here today with a cool wind and 18. Its 15 here now.
Out for a walk this morning. After breakfast I went to Staples to make some copies of the January park association calendar and when I got back I placed them in the clubhouse. Ruby still not feeling well. We then watched the Can / Cze junior hockey game. In between periods I did up and posted the teams for the park golf league and then walked to the golf course to bring over the teams list. Staying home this New Years Eve due to Ruby's vertigo - gonna relax and watch some hockey.

Monday, December 30, 2019

Day 3775

A mix of sun and cloud here today and 27. Its 21 here now.
After breakfast this morning I went to a golf course in Clearwater, along with 7 other guys, where we played 18 holes. Ruby did not go to her exercise class as she is not feeling well. After lunch she felt a little better so she walked to the mall by our park to pick up something for her queasiness and to get her nails done. Then she went back home as the dizziness etc came back and it's still effecting her now. After supper I went into Tampa Airport to pick up Darrell an Maryann.

Noel working on another knife...

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Day 3774

A mix of sun and cloud here today and 29. Its 25 here now.
After breakfast this morning I walked around and checked Darrel & Maryann's, Mike & Diana's, Earl & Helen's and Gary and Sharon's trailers - all good. After lunch we got ready and went into Tampa. Spent some time shopping, had supper and then went to the Detroit / Tampa hockey game - thanks ror the Christmas gift Noel & Sarah.

Into Tamps for the game....

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Day 3773

A mostly sunny day here today and 28. Its 24 here now.
Out for a walk this morning. After breakfast I went for an eight mile bike ride and Ruby went out for some shopping. After lunch we watched the Canada / Russia hockey game - not a good game for Canada.

Friday, December 27, 2019

Day 3772

A mix of sun here today with a little lite misty rain and 26. Its 23 here now.
Out for a walk this morning. After breakfast ruby went to the clubhouse to run the exercise class and I did up and posted the January calendar for the park association. After lunch I went for a 22 mile bike ride.

She loves her new shoes...

 At the adventure park...

Noel's welding table...

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Day 3771

A mix of sun and cloud here today and 26. Its 24 here now.
After breakfast this morning I walked to the golf course where I played 18 holes with the park golf league. When I got back home 4 of us guys took down Fred's 10' by 30' canopy, which we had put up for the Christmas Eve Street Party. Packed it in its box and put it in Fred's shed. After that I did up and posted the stats for the golf league. Ruby had a sleep in relaxing day after the busy last few days.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Day 3770

A mostly sunny day here today and 26. Its 21 here now.
Watch the grandkids open their gifts this morning. After that me & Larry went to the clubhouse where we got 2 turkeys ready and put them in the cookers for our park Christmas dinner. When I got back home I put away and returned things (canopies, tables, etc)  from the Street Party yesterday. Ruby over to the clubhouse to help set up for dinner. After lunch me & Larry went back to the clubhouse where we cut up 2 hams and placed them in a cooker to keep them warm. Also removed the 2 turkeys, cut them up, placed them in foil pans and put them back in the cookers to keep them warm. Ruby took the stock to our place to make a large pot of gravy. We then got ready and went to the clubhouse for Christmas dinner and helped clean up after dinner.

Santa found us...

 Christmas dinner....