Sunday, December 25, 2016

Day 2657

A sunny day here today and 29. Its 23 here now.
Opened our Christmas gifts this morning while Skypeing with Noel and family. Then over to the park clubhouse to get the turkeys ready and in the cookers for this evenings supper. After that we went back home and watched Noel, Sarah, Damien, Payton, Landon & Charlie open their Christmas gifts via Skype. Then a few couples here on our deck before we went to the clubhouse to cut up the turkeys & hams and for Ruby to make the gravy. Then back home to get ready for Christmas supper and a few couples here on our deck for a refreshment before we headed to the clubhouse for a great Christmas supper - 91 people for supper. After supper we again gathered on our deck as it was such a nice warm evening before everyone headed home.

Our Christmas morning....

 Christmas supper at the clubhouse...

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