Thursday, September 22, 2016

Day 2563

A sunny windy day here today and 17.
Went to Reidville this morning to change clothes, freshen up and then went to the Deer Lake golf course for 9 holes of golf with Gary (Carla's boyfriend). After golf I went back to Kim's, picked up Ruby and then up to Bruce & Marlene's in Reidville. Gave the grand kids some rides on Bruce's quad. We then got ready and 8 of us went down to Sharon & Gary's for supper. After supper Noel. Sarah, Damien & Payton went back up to Reidville. We kept Landon & Charlie down with us for a while before taking them up to Reidville for the night. Then back to Sharon's, Payton came with us, where we will be spending the night.

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