Thursday, July 7, 2016

Day 2486

A mostly sunny day here today and 35. Its 28 here now.
Landon had us up bright and early this morning. After breakfast I started getting things ready for the concrete crew tomorrow morning. Got out the ready rod, cut into lengths and bent them to be used as anchors for the walls - 48 anchors in all. Then marked out on the forms where they will be placed. After that I cleaned up the scrap wood etc around the area for the concrete trucks. Ruby & Sue went shopping for the day. After I finished getting things ready me & Landon in the pool for a cool down. I then took Landon into Woodstock with me to do a few errands. After supper I checked with the concrete man and he won't be doing the floor tomorrow because it calls for rain and thundershowers - didn't want to take the chance.

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