Saturday, April 30, 2016

Day 2429

A mix of sun and cloud here today and 15. It's 10 and rain here now.
After breakfast with Damien & Payton this morning we got the motorhome ready for a viewing - a man from Embro coming at 11 to have a look at it. Me and Noel then started replacing a power steering line on his 1979 jeep he has. While we were at that the guy showed up to have a look at the motorhome and I spent the next hour or so going through things on the motorhome with him. After that we installed a new soft top on Noel's jeep. Ruby had a great supper of ribs for everyone. After supper Bob & Candy Rooney here to pick up the things we had brought back from Florida for them - they are the couple we bought the unit from in Florida.

Having fun with Damien..... 

Vids... hard on the old fellow....

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