Friday, September 4, 2015

Days 2167 to 2171

Had hot humid sunny weather on our camping trip except for a thunder storm on Thursday afternoon.

Monday, August 31, 2015
Me, Ruby, Damien & Payton left home at 1200 for our camping trip and arrived at Rockwood Conservation Area in Rockwood at 1330. Set up the motorhome on Lot 57 (the same lot we had there 2 years ago). Noel, Sarah & Landon arrived at 1500 and we set up their tent for Noel & Sarah to sleep in. This was Landon's 1st camping trip. After supper we went for a walk and had ice cream. Landon slept in his playpen in the motorhome - his 1st time sleeping in the motorhome. Had a fire later and Damien & Payton also slept with us in the motorhome.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015
Sara2, Brooklyn & Mason here at lunch time today. After Landon got up from his nap we went to the beach where the kids had a great time in the water. BBQ for supper. I took Landon for a ride in his car. After supper we had a fire and Sara2 made some pizzas which we cooked in pie irons over the fire - tasty. Sara2 and the kids left to head back home at 2130.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015
After breakfast me, Noel, Damien & Payton walked to the Eramosa River and did some fishing. Had a lunch at the river and then walked back to our lot - no fish but all enjoyed it. We did stuffed pork chops on the BBQ for supper. After supper I took Landon for a ride in his car. Had a fire and made some smores.

Thursday, September 3, 2015
After breakfast me, Damien & Payton went for a bike ride around town. After Landon got up from his nap we all went to the ruins of the woolen mill in the park and then walked to the caves - very hot and humid so back to the motorhome to cool down with the AC. Had a thunderstorm around suppertime. Noel, Sarah & Landon left for home at 1740 has Noel has to work on Friday. We spent the evening inside with Damien & Payton as lite rain was falling throughout the evening.

Friday, September 4, 2015
A mix of sun & cloud here today with some rain in the afternoon and 28. Its 19 here now.
1st thing this morning me, Damien & Payton went for a game of mini golf in the park. When we got back I started packing things for the trip back home. After breakfast finished things up and left the park at 1155. Stopped at an Encore (rest area) on the way for lunch and arrived home at 1422. Before I backed the motorhome in our spot I cut and trimmed a few trees that were at the back of the motorhome. Then set things up. Sarah had a great supper ready for us.

Day 1........

Day 2.......

Day 3.........

Day 4........

Day 5.......

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