Saturday, August 15, 2015

Day 2151

A nice sunny day here today and 29. Its 20 here now.
Out for a walk this morning. After breakfast I got at trimming the ditch in front of the property. After Noel got home from work he started mowing the lawn with his riding mower and I finished the grass trimming - takes a while with this property. Me, Ruby, Damien & Payton then went into Woodstock for Cowapalooza - a free event put off by by the city. Noel, Sarah & Landon came in a little later. Then Bob & Sue joined us and shortly after Gerry & Yvonne joined us. Noel, Sarah, Landon, Bob & Sue left at supper time while me, Ruby, Damien, Payton, Gerry & Yvonne stayed for the concert. It was a great concert with the Bee Gees, Cher & Abbamania - our kind of music.

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