Thursday, May 21, 2015

Day 2065

A sunny day here today with a cool wind and 16. Its 13 here now.
After breakfast this morning I went to Tavistock, along with 3 other guys from our park and played 18 holes of golf. Sarah picked Ruby up and took her to their place where she watched Landon while Sarah went and did a few things. After I got home I went into Noel's and picked up Ruby and we then went into Woodstock to get some propane. After supper we went into Noel's and picked up Noel, Damien & Payton and then went to Tavistock for Damien's soccer game. After soccer we took Damien & Paytom to their mom in Hickson and then took Noel in to pick up Sarah's Jeep - she locked her keys in it when her & Landon went to a soccer game near their place. Then back home for the night.

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