Sunday, May 31, 2015

Day 2075

A cold rainy windy day here today and 7. Its 7 here now.
Me, Earl, Damien & Payton into Woodstock this morning to get some propane. We then went to Noel's where we all helped decorate for Ruby's birthday party - was suppose to have it outdoors at our place but the weather didn't cooperate. Ruby & Helen came out to Noel's after and Bob, Sue & Brooklyn also there for the party. It was a great get together with family and great friends.

Ruby's birthday..............

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Day 2074

Cloudy here today with rain in the afternoon along with a wicked thunderstorm and 27. Its 15 here now.
Me, Bruce and Damien out for a walk this morning. After lunch I took Damien to a birthday party and dropped him off there. Then me, Bruce, Marlene & Payton went into Woodstock, picked up a couple of things and then dropped Payton at her dance class. Picked her up after dance and then picked up a few more things. Went into Noel's on the way home and dropped Payton there. Helen & Earl here when we got back. We all then got ready and went into Noel's for supper. Afer supper Helen, Earl, Damien & Payton came back to our place for the night and Bruce & Marlene stayed at Noel's for the night.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Day 2073

A mix of sun and cloud here today and 27. Its 23 here now.
After breakfast this morning me & Bruce went into Noel's and picked up his golf clubs and then went and played 9 holes of golf. After we got back home Ruby & Marlene went into Woodstock to pick up a few things. Sarah and Landon here in the afternoon and stayed for supper with us. After supper Tammy dropped Payton here and then dropped Damien here after his karate class - they are here for a sleepover.

A great afternoon & evening......