Monday, December 15, 2014

Day 1911

A nice sunny day here today and 21. Its 11 here now.
Out for a walk this morning and Ruby to the park hall for her exercise class. After breakfast I checked the pressure relief valve on our hot water tank - its leakking and will have to get a new one. Ruby off to do a little shopping. I then got at trimming some limbs of the trees by our motorhome. Used the electric chain saw I had bought earlier and a pole saw I borrowed from someone here in the park. Then piled all the limbs by the side of the road to be taken by the park maintenance man. After that i went across the road to help our neighbour replace the rear window electric mechanism in his Mercedes Benz - quite the job. After supper we went with a couple to have a look at some Christams lights around the area and back to their place for a refreshment after.

Out to see some Christmas lights.....

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