Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Day 1891

A cloudy day here in Brandon today with showers and thunder showers throughout the day and 24. Its 22 here now with thunderstorms.
Another day in Brandon waiting for our motorhome to be repaired. After a late breakfast at the hotel we went to the cat dealer in Riverview to check on how they were doing with the repairs on our motorhome. Got there just before lunch time and they were in the process of installing the new water pump - they worked at drilling out the broken bolts until after 6 pm yesterday. We left and spent the afternoon checking out the shops etc around Brandon. Then back to the cat dealer at 4 pm. They had everything done - new water pump installed, new coolant reservoir installed, filled with new coolant, etc when they discovered a new leak. The metal coolant pipe running along the bottom of the engine has a small hose connected to it via a nipple and there was a leak where the nipple is made on to the main pipe. They checked with Freighterliner and they have the pipe, so it will be picked up tomorrow morning and installed. If all goes as planned we should be back on the road before lunch time tomorrow - fingers crossed lol. So its another night in a hotel room for us.

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