Friday, August 22, 2014

Days 1791 to 1796

Ok lets get updated. The last 6 days have been cloudy with showers and rain at times - but warm. Could not update blog as there is no wi-fi at the park in GF-W.

Sunday, August 17, 2014
Left HEW resort in Reidville at 1403 and drove to Sanger Memorial Park in Grand Falls-Winsor. Arrived there at 1628. Mike there shortly after we got there. Freshened up and then went to Mike & Diane's for supper as Diane had a lovely supper prepared for us. Donnie & Ruth, along with another couple, there also.
Monday, August 18, 2014
Me & Mike, along with 5 others, went for 18 holes of golf at GF Golf club. Me, Mike & Donnie played together. Ruby, Diane & Ruth went shopping. In the afternoon we went to Mike & Diane's and had a late supper there. Donnie & Ruth there also.
Tuesday, August 19, 2014 
Me and Mike were suppose to go golfing again this morning but it was raing - lots of rain with very hard showers. After lunch we did go to the golf course and played 18 holes but had to play the front 9 holes twice as the back nine were closed. After we got back me, Ruby, Mike, Diane & Ruth went out for chinese food - Donnie could not go as he had a bad back.
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Me, Mike & Donnie went to the GF Golf Course this morning where we met Eric (a friend of Mike's) and we played 18 holes together. Got caught in the rain this time, played in the rain from the 11th to the 18th hole and all got plenty wet. When I got back to the park removed all my golf gera from the bag and cleaned & dried it. We then went out and picked up a few things. Then we went to Donnie & Ruth's for supper and said our goodbye's after.
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Up this morning and started getting things ready to hit the road. Earl & Helen dropped in for breakfast with us on their way to St. John's. After they left we finished getinng ready and left the park at 1125. Arrived in Deer Lake at 1345 where we met Bruce, Marlene & Jerica for lunch at the Deer Lake Motel. After lunch we went into mom & dad's to say goodbye - Kim & Cobey there also. Then hit the road for Marine Atlantic in PAB arriving there at 1952 and sailed at 2345.
Friday, August 22, 2014
A cloudy day with some showers along the way today.
Got of the ferry in North Sydney at approx. 0700 and arrived at Stonehurst Family Campground in Moncton, NB at 1230 with 1 stop along the way. Got set up and then we both had a nap as we were both tired. Gonna go and spend the evening with Pat and family shortly.
Whew I think that's it - all caught up except for pics which I will post later!!!!!!!!

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