Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Day 1681

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Day started out cloudy and showers but cleared up early and nice sunny day after.
Not a good start to our day. Got up early to get on the road for home but when I started the motorhome there was a screeching noise coming from the engine area. Checked things out and found out that the a/c unit was not turning with the fan belt. Called our roadside assistance and they got us towed to a garage in Holland, Ohio. Originally they had informed our roadside assistance company that it may take a couple of days before they could get to work on our motorhome. When we got there we explained our situation, we had to be our of the US by April 30 due to our travel insurance etc, they went above and beyond to get back on the road ASAP. I asked if they could get a shorter belt to bypass the a/c unit and they were thinking the same thing. First they check the a/c unit clutch to see if that was the problem but the unit was seized solid. Then they started trying belts - had 2 delivered but they wouldn't fit. Had another 2 delivered and the 3rd one they tried did the job. The owner there was so nice to us and did his best to get us moving. After we hooked everything up we left Big Truck & Auto at 1602 and Arrived at PFJ in London, ON at 1953. Filled propane and fuel tank and headed for Woodstock. We stopped at Noel's on the way to see Sarah and Landon. Arrived at BVP at 2140. Unhooked car dolly etc in parking lot and then backed into our lot. Hooked up power, had our showers and then right to bed - a very long day.

Our travels Tuesday........

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