Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Day 1557

A nice sunny day here today and 23º. Its 19º here now.
Yaaaaaaaaa Santa found us!!!!!!!!!!
Started opening our gifts this morning and part way through Noel skyped and then we watch Noel, Sarah, Damien & Payton open their gifts. After they finished with there's they watched us open the rest of ours. It's not as good as being there with them but it certainly helps. Also congratulations to Noel & Sarah on their engagement - we are so happy for them. After breakfast we went to the park hall and helped get things ready for the park Christmas dinner. Then back home to get dressed and then back to the hall for dinner. Excellent meal and Ruby & Marie made a party favour chocolate sleigh for everyone - they all loved it. After dinner a group of us sat around having a refreshment and enjoying the company. Then home where we went outside for some more sitting and chatting.

Our Christmas morning....

Christmas dinner at the park hall......

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