Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Day 1563

A cloudy day here today and 20º. Its 19º here now.
Out for a few laps around the park this morning. After breakfast 3 of us men from the park walked to the golf course where we met another man from our park and played 9 holes. After lunch I took Ruby & Marie to do a little shopping. We are getting ready now to go to the park hall for a New Years Eve party.

Monday, December 30, 2013

Day 1562

Cloudy here this morning with sunny breaks in the afternoon and 20º. Its 16º here now.
Walked to the gym this morning for my workout and Ruby to the park hall for her workout. After lunch we played 9 holes of golf with 2 other couples and went for dinner after.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Day 1561

A wet day here today with showers in the morning and rain in the afternoon and 23. Its 18 here now.
We were suppose to have our golf and lunch today but had to cancel because of the rain. Spent the day relaxing watching movies, reading etc.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Day 1560

A cloudy day here today and 26. Its 23 here now.
Out for a few laps around the park this morning. After breakfast over to the park hall to help decorate for New Year's. After lunch we went for a bike ride. When we got back I set up a MagicJack and NetFlix for a couple here in the park. The four of us then went out for supper.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Day 1559

A few showers in the morning but mostly cloudy in the afternoon and 21º. Its 19º here now.
Walked to the gym this morning for my workout and Ruby went to her meeting. After breakfast we went to Clearwater with Buck & Marie and spent the rest of the day visiting a few malls / stores etc.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Day 1558

A mix of sun and clouds here today and 25. Its 20 here now.
Out for a few laps around the park this morning. After breakfast we walked to the golf course and played 18 holes with the park league. After golf we went to the Largo mall. Relaxing after supper.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Day 1557

A nice sunny day here today and 23º. Its 19º here now.
Yaaaaaaaaa Santa found us!!!!!!!!!!
Started opening our gifts this morning and part way through Noel skyped and then we watch Noel, Sarah, Damien & Payton open their gifts. After they finished with there's they watched us open the rest of ours. It's not as good as being there with them but it certainly helps. Also congratulations to Noel & Sarah on their engagement - we are so happy for them. After breakfast we went to the park hall and helped get things ready for the park Christmas dinner. Then back home to get dressed and then back to the hall for dinner. Excellent meal and Ruby & Marie made a party favour chocolate sleigh for everyone - they all loved it. After dinner a group of us sat around having a refreshment and enjoying the company. Then home where we went outside for some more sitting and chatting.

Our Christmas morning....

Christmas dinner at the park hall......

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Day 1566

Merry Christmas to all our family and friends - hope Santa is good to you!!!
A sunny day here today but with a cool wind and 20º. Its 13º here now.
Out for a few laps around the park this morning. After breakfast we went to the park hall to help with the setup for tomorrows Christmas dinner. Went to the mall to pick up a last minute item. In the evening went to a Christmas Eve block party in our park.

Christmas Eve block party.......