Friday, November 1, 2013

Day 1523

Another hot sunny day here today and 28º. Its 25º here now.
Out for a few laps around the park this morning. After breakfast we set up a few more things and then I got at checking out the charger / inverter in our motorhome. Its not charging our batteries - inverter working ok. Unhooked it, took it out of its compartment, removed cover, checked fuses, cleaned, etc. Reinstalled it and on the first couple of attempts it still would not charge but on the 3rd attempt it kicked in and started charging. Still charging ok now and hopefully it will keep working. Then me, Ruby, Buck & Marie went and did a little shopping. When we got back it was refreshment time and them supper outside at Buck & Marie's. We just finished up and went inside when Fred & Diane showed up - they live next to Buck & Marie.

Florida wildlife......

Eating out again .......

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