Monday, September 30, 2013

Day 1491

Rain this morning but cleared up by lunch time with sun and cloud after and 22º. Its 16º here now.
Was suppose to play golf this morning but no golf due to the rain. Ruby up to the chalet for her workout and I went to the park gym for mine - first time in 2 weeks for me being to the gym because of my tendonitis but elbow feels good now. After lunch I got at making the hitch rack that will hold the light bar I had made earlier this summer. Cut 2 notches in the square stock and bent it to the shape I wanted, cut it to the length required and then took it to a welding shop in Hickson to have it welded. When I got back I drilled the holes for the hitch pin and then painted the rack. After that I went for a walk and did another coat of paint on the rack when I got back. Went for another walk after supper.

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