Monday, September 30, 2013

Day 1491

Rain this morning but cleared up by lunch time with sun and cloud after and 22º. Its 16º here now.
Was suppose to play golf this morning but no golf due to the rain. Ruby up to the chalet for her workout and I went to the park gym for mine - first time in 2 weeks for me being to the gym because of my tendonitis but elbow feels good now. After lunch I got at making the hitch rack that will hold the light bar I had made earlier this summer. Cut 2 notches in the square stock and bent it to the shape I wanted, cut it to the length required and then took it to a welding shop in Hickson to have it welded. When I got back I drilled the holes for the hitch pin and then painted the rack. After that I went for a walk and did another coat of paint on the rack when I got back. Went for another walk after supper.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Day 1490

A mix of sun and clouds here today with a few lite showers late in the day and 21º. Its 17º here now.
After a lite breakfast this morning we took Payton to Noel's and then went to a golf course for 9 holes of golf with Gerry & Yvonne. We went out for lunch after. After we got back home it was Sunday afternoon relax time.

Learning to knit from gramma.....

Loves her knitting......

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Day 1489

A nice sunny day here today and 23. Its 16 here now.
Out for a walk this morning and Ruby up to the chalet for her workout. After breakfast we went to the park chalet for a park general meeting. After lunch I went to Woodstock with Jim to do a few errands. When we got back I went for a walk. After supper we went into Woodstock for an ice cream - Ruby got a urge lol. On the way home we dropped into Noel's for a visit and Payton came back with us for a sleepover.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Day 1488

A nice sunny day here today and 21º. Its 12º here now.
Out for a walk this morning and Ruby up to the chalet for her workout. After breakfast the internet company came and moved our receiver from our old place to our new lot. After they left I buried the cable from the pole to our motorhome. After lunch Jim & Linda picked us up and we went to London. At the mall, had supper and then to a hockey game - London Knights played the Saginaw Spirit - Knights won 6 to 3. Thanks to Jim & Linda for the invite and ride - was a great afternoon & evening even though we had trouble finding the car after the game lol.

At the hockey game......

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Day 1487

A nice sunny day here today and 23. Its 18 here now.
Out for a walk this morning and Ruby up to the chalet for her workout. After breakfast I went into Woodstock to get my hearing aid adjusted again and picked up a few things after. After lunch I trimmed and mowed the lawn. Then went for a walk before supper and out for another walk after supper.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Day 1486

A nice sunny day here today and 22. Its 15 here now.
Out for a walk this morning and Ruby up to the park chalet for her workout. After breakfast I finished painting the shed. It was such a beautiful day that after lunch we went to Embro and played 9 holes of golf. Out for another walk after supper.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Day 1485

A nice sunny day here today and 21. Its 15 here now.
Out for a walk this morning and Ruby into Woodstock for her meeting and some shopping. After breakfast I raised the pole higher that I had set up for our internet - they are suppose to be here Friday morning to move the receiver from our old lot to our new one. I then finished scraping the shed to get it ready for painting. After lunch I painted one side and the front of the shed. Then it was time for a before supper walk. After supper we were out for another walk.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Day 1484

A nice sunny day here today and 17. Its 11 here now.
Out for a walk this morning. After breakfast we went to Thamesford to see our family doctor. When we got back did a few small jobs around the motorhome. After lunch we went for a walk and then helped Jim deliver a meeting notice to the park residents. We were out for another walk after supper.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Day 1483

A mostly cloudy day here today and 12º. Its 10º here now.
After a lite breakfast this morning we met Gerry & Yvonne in Woodstock for 9 holes of golf and then out for lunch after. After lunch we went to the car show in the Walmart & CTC parking lot. Then picked up at few things before heading home. Noel & Sarah here after supper for a visit.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Day 1482

Heavy rain here this morning, stopped at noon, cloudy after and 19. Its 11 here now.
No walk this morning and Ruby up to the chalet for her workout. After that she went into Woodstock to pick up her new contacts - having trouble with her right contact so they ordered new ones for her. When she got back home she tried them but right one still giving her trouble so she tried her old one in her right eye and everything ok. We then went back into Woodstock to where she got her contacts and they are gonna order her old prescription for her right eye. We then pick up a few things before returning home. I then went for a walk before supper and out for another walk after supper.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Day 1481

A cloudy day here today with rain in the morning and thunderstorm after supper and 23º. Its 21º here now.
Managed to get a walk in this morning between the rain showers and Ruby up to the chalet for her workout. Couldn't do much outside today so picking at this and that around the motorhome. Out for a walk after lunch and then watching golf - can't play it but watching it doesn't seem to hurt my arm lol. Out for another walk after supper before the thunderstorms hit.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Day 1480

A mix of sun and cloud here today and 22. Its 19 here now.
Out for a walk this morning and Ruby up to the chalet for her workout. After breakfast finished up the park talent show DVD and then did some more scraping on the shed. After lunch out for a walk and after supper out for another lunch. Lots of walking while I am taking it easy with my arm lol.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Day 1479

A nice sunny day here today and 23. Its 15 here now.
Out for a walk this morning and Ruby up to the chalet for her workout. After breakfast me and Jim went to the chalet and cleaned the park BBQs. Then I did a little scraping on the loaner shed we have and will touch up with a little paint later. Ruby bottled her beets. After lunch out for a walk. Still taking it easy on my right arm due to the tendinitis. Out for another walk after supper.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Day 1478

A nice sunny day here today and 18. Its 14 here now.
Out for a walk this morning. Ruby into Woodstock for her meeting and some shopping after. After breakfast I got at working on the DVD I am doing of our park talent show. Have to take it easy for awhile to try and cure the tendinitis I have in my right elbow - very painful. Very tender on the inside of my elbow and called golfers elbow - I figured its caused from not enough golf lol. Out for a walk after lunch and then back at the DVD. After supper went for another walk.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Day 1477

A cloudy day here today with clearing in the late afternoon and 16. Its 10 here now.
2 of us from the park went onto Woodstock for 18 holes of golf this morning. Ruby up to the chalet for her workout. Feeling a little under the weather so relaxing after lunch. Out for a walk after supper.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Day 1476

A cloudy day here today with rain in the late afternoon and 19º. Its 13º here now.
After a lite breakfast we went to Woodstock and played 9 holes of golf with Gerry & Yvonne. Then out for lunch after. After we go back home I mowed the lawn. Then the rain started so relaxing after.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Day 1475


A nice sunny day here today and 18º. Its 13º here now.
Down to Jim's this morning and helped him install 2 windows in his mobile home - removed 3 windows, framed out and replaced with 2 windows. Ruby and the grandkids did Payton's gumdrop cake. In the afternoon we went into Noel's for Payton's birthday party - she really enjoyed her party and all the gifts.

Making her gumdrop cake......

Payton's birthday party.......