Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Day 1318

A hot sunny day here today and 87º (30º). Its 76º (24º) here now.
Out for a walk and swim this morning. Don, Doris, Dan & Ann here this morning and we walked to a restaurant near our park for breakfast. Everyone got a free piece of pie with breakfast so we took it with us to eat later. We then did a little shopping at the mall by our park before going to the golf course across from our park and playing 9 holes of golf. After golf we went to their condo and picked them up and then out for supper. After supper we went to visit Don & Shirley Cross at their park and did a little touring after. Then back to the condo and out for a walk on the beach. Had a swim when we got back from the walk and then ate our free piece of pie from this morning. Another wonderful fun filled day.

Another wonderful day .....

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