Sunday, September 30, 2012

Day 1124

A nice sunny day here today and 18º. Its 13º here now.
Noel picked me up this morning and we went into his old place in Hickson and loaded the rest of his remaining tools in his truck - compressor, drill press, welder, tool boxes, etc. The grandkids came to Noel's with us where we unloaded his things in his garage. The grandkids stayed at Noel's and Noel dropped me back home. We then got ready and were picked up by Jim & Linda (the couple we are traveling to Florida with) and we went to London. Jim had 4 tickets given to him for the London Knights / Guelph Storm hockey game today and they invited us to go with them - great OHL hockey. We then went out for supper after the game.

At the game

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Day 1123

Mostly sunny day here today and 18º. Its 12º here now.
Up with the grandkids and after breakfast me & Payton took Damien to his karate class in Woodstock. After his karate class the grandkids were picked up there. After I got back home I went up to an estate sale here in the park - bought myself a pool cue & case. Then I mowed the lawn. Noel & Alannah here for supper. Ruby had a great supper done - ham, scallop potatoes, etc, etc. We really enjoyed their visit and getting to know Alannah.

Morning with the grandkids

Our karate boy

And introducing ...... Alannah

Friday, September 28, 2012

Day 1122

A nice sunny day here today and 18©. Its 11© here now.
Ruby into Hickson for the grandkids this morning. After they got up she got them ready and then got them off to school. After breakfast we went into Woodstock where we met Jerry and Yvonne at a golf course and the four of us played 9 holes of golf. After golf we had a refreshment at the golf course clubhouse. The grandkids were dropped off here after supper for a sleepover.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Day 1121

A nice sunny day here today and 17©. Its 12© here now.
Ruby into Hickson at 6 am for the grandkids. After they got up she got them ready for school and then took them to school. When she got back home she got ready and went with 2 other ladies from the park for 18 holes of golf in Tavistock. I'm still not feeling well so later in the morning I went for a walk to get some fresh air. After I got back I removed the canvas roof from our gazebo and put it away. Also put away some of our deck furniture. Relaxing after supper.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Day 1120

Mostly cloudy here today and 18º. Its 15º here now.
Ruby into Hickson for the grandkids at 6 am this morning. After they got up she got them ready and then got them off to school. I relaxed this morning as I was not feeling well. After lunch I went to Innerkip and got a bus and did an afternoon bus run for another driver who was off. Relaxing after supper.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Day 1119

A nice sunny day here today and 20©. Its 15© here now.
Ruby got the grandkids ready and then took them to school. After she got them in school she went to Woodstock for her meeting and some shopping after. I went to Woodstock with 3 other men from the park and we played 18 holes of golf. Relaxing after supper.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Day 1118

Some sun, cloud and wind here today with a little frost last night and 15©. Its 12© here now.
Out for a walk this morning. After lunch I went to Innerkip and then went with a bus driver to learn his afternoon route as l have to do it for him on Wednesday afternoon. Relaxing now.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Day 1117

Some sun and clouds with a cool wind here today and 13º. Its 9º here now.
A relaxing Sunday morning with a late breakfast. In the afternoon we went into Woodstock and played 9 holes of golf - so glad Ruby is enjoying playing golf. Then it was back home for some more relaxing.

Enjoying the grandkids on one of their sleepovers

Looking good & enjoying her golf

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Day 1116

Cool and mostly cloudy here today and 15º. Its 9º here now.
Up bright and early with the grandkids and after breakfast I took Damien to his karate class in Woodstock. Spent the day enjoying the grandkids and Noel picked them up after he got home from work. We then went to Cambridge where we met Dean & Brenda for supper - so good to see them. Had a great evening chatting with them - took the camera but forgot to do some pics lol.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Day 1115

Cloudy in the morning but sunny in the afternoon here today and 20º. Its 15º here now.
Up bright and early with the grandkids. After breakfast I went for a walk and then into Woodstock to take some pics of Noel's quad (he's selling it) and to get some gas for the lawn mower - forgot my wallet so no gas lol. After I got back I managed to trim and mow the lawn with the little gas I had available - very fast mowing lol. Tammy picked up the grandkids in the afternoon and brought them back here after supper for another sleepover.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Day 1114

A cool cloudy day here today with some rain at noon and 17©. Its 15© here now.
Ruby into Tammy's at 6 am this morning for Paula to go to work and to wait for Tammy to get home from work. I did a morning bus run, then did a shuttle charter and right after did an afternoon bus run. Waiting now for Tammy to bring the grandkids here for a sleepover

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Day 1113

A sunny cool day here today with a cool wind and 16©. Its 13© here now.
Ruby into Tammy's at 6 am for Paula to go to work and to wait for Tammy to get home from work. I cleaned and did some minor repairs on our furnace to get it ready for use. Ruby into Woodstock to pick up a few items and when she got back she  bottled her homemade pickles and did some bottled beets. I went for a walk and when I got back I installed a new belt tensioner on our vehicle - it was noisy. Then we went to Tavistock where I picked up a bus from another driver - I will be doing his route & charter for him tomorrow. After supper it was relax time.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Day 1112

A cloudy wet day with lots of rain in the morning and 18©. Its 12© here now.
Ruby into Tammy's at 6 am for Paula to go to work and to wait for Tammy to get home from work. I did a bus run and went for tea after. Me and another bus driver then went to the International Plowing Match to do bus shuttle between the various venues but due to the rain it was to muddy and they closed early so we were sent home. Ruby into Woodstock for her meeting and some shopping after. I did a afternoon bus run for another driver and brought the bus back to the park. The regular driver picked up his bus after supper. Then it was relax time.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Day 1111

A nice sunny day here today and 23º. Its 17º here now.
Got back at doing the shingles on the shed roof this morning. Got it all finished just after lunch time. Then took some materials that I did not use back to Woodstock. Ruby stained the covered deck floor, the wood around the flower beds, etc. After I got back I set up the satellite dish - I had to move it when I did the shed roof. Then a bus driver brought his bus here for me to use tomorrow - I'm doing his route tomorrow and also doing a charter. After supper me and Ruby went down and swept the bus and I then set up the bus route I am doing tomorrow in my GPS.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Day 1110

A nice sunny day here today and 23º. Its 18º here now.
After breakfast I went out working on the shed roof. Cleaned all the eaves etc with the shop vac before I started installing the sheeting. Had some help from Ruby & Damien at the sheeting. Ruby went into Woodstock to pick up some nails for me while me & Damien finished up the sheeting. Tammy & Payton here and picked up Damien. After Ruby got back I finished nailing the sheeting and then started on the shingles. Got one side shingled and the first row on the other before I had to stop due to darkness. Gonna sit back and enjoy a glass of wine now - not like the shingling parties we used to have at home but it'll have to do lol.

With our boy