Thursday, August 16, 2012

Day 1055 to day 1078 - Part 1

Trying to catch up on our blog - hasn't been done since July 23rd. So here goes:

We had an unexpected trip to Newfoundland starting on Tuesday, July 24, 2012 thanks to Dean. We hooked on to a boat & trailer in the Walmart parking lot in Woodstock that Tuesday and left to deliver it to Newfoundland at 1:30 pm. We stayed that night in Cornwall and the next day traveled as far as Edmundston NB. On Thursday we went as far as Moncton NB and spent the afternoon and night with Pat and the kids (David away working) - thanks Pat. We left Pat's early Friday morning and got to the ferry at 10:30 am for a 2:15 pm crossing. We arrived in Newfoundland just before 8 pm and drove to Deer Lake and arrived at 10:30 pm. We met Brenda & Dean at their place and dropped the boat there - delivery complete lol. We then went to mom's where we surprised mom, dad, Sharon & Gary. Stayed at mom's that night and the next morning (Saturday) we went to Trinda's (no one home) and then surprised Kim at her work. Then we went to the Deer Lake Motel to surprise Marlene - she told us there was a breakfast for Linda Mckay at the community hall in Reidville so we went there where we got to surprise most of our friends in one shot. That afternoon we went to the pond and stayed with Kim & Rick in their trailer. We stayed Sunday night at mom's again and then went to Bruce & Marlene's where we stayed for the rest of our trip - thanks you two. Had a great time home - got some fishing in, had a trip to Vera & Dan's with Bruce & Dean ( no fish but still a great time), played a game of golf and spent a wonderful 2 weeks with family and good friends. We left to return to Ontario on Sunday, Aug 12, 2012. We stopped for a night in Moncton with Pat and the kids, then stopped for the second night at Donnie & Doris's in Montreal - our thanks to them for the use of the home as they are in Newfoundland. We arrived at our place on Wednesday, Aug 15 at 4 pm. Noel & the grandkids met us here (they wanted their surprises lol) and had supper with us. Noel left after supper and the grandkids stayed for a sleepover.

Couldn't get all the pics in one day so the rest of the pics are in July month blog - click on July and then on Day 1055 to 1078 - Part 2 to see the rest of the pics.

Pics - Trip Home - Part 1

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