Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Day 966

Nice sunny day here today and 15º. Its 11º here now.
Ruby into Tammy's at 6 am for her to go to work and to wait for the grandkids to get up. I did my morning bus run. Ruby got Damien off to school and brought Payton to our place for the day. After breakfast me and Payton went into Noel's (we dropped Ruby of for her walk) to see if his power was back on - no power. Hydro shut off his power yesterday - a mix up with the company he bought the house from. They were suppose to have it changed to Noel's name but wasn't done for some reason. After we got back I went for a walk and then me & Payton went back to Noel's - still no power. Then I did my afternoon bus run. Ruby & Payton into Tammy's to wait for Damien to get home from school and for Tammy to get home from work. Noel's power was restored when he got home from work.

Pop's helper

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