Monday, April 30, 2012

Day 971

Cold wet day here today and 8©. Its 6© here now.
Did my morning bus run and went for fuel after. Left at lunch time to go to Cambridge to do the pickup part of a charter.  Then did my regular afternoon bus run and then returned and did the return part of the charter. Home then for a late supper. Ruby gathering things for our cruise. We are watching hockey now.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Day 970

Nice sunny day here today and 16º. Its 14º here now.
Relaxing and getting some things ready for our cruise - its getting close. Into Noel's for a BBQ - our first meal at his new home. Gonna watch some hockey now.

Noel's new home

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Day 969

Some sun and clouds here today and 10º. Its 9º here now.
Up bright and early - and I do mean early lol - with the grandkids - gotta love it. After breakfast I took Damien to his karate class. After lunch we all went back to his karate for his testing for his advanced purple belt - Noel met us there. Damien did it and now is up to advanced purple belt - he's doing great with the karate. Me and Ruby then went to London for a bit of shopping. Watching some hockey now.

Morning energy lol

Going for his advanced purple belt

He did it - congrats