Friday, January 6, 2012

Day 856

Mild cloudy day here today with some sunny periods and 7º. Its 4º here now.
Into Noel's at 6 am for them to go to work and to wait for the grandkids to get up. Brought them to our place and after breakfast we went to London to check on getting new passports (got applications etc and have to get new pics done). We thought they would do it all at the passport office as it was only to get them renewed, but they don't make things that easy lol. Picked up some groceries and them took the grandkids for lunch - McDs of course. We then came back to Woodstock where Ruby was in bad need of a coat (she didn't get one for Christmas) so she bought one to add to her stock lol. Tammy picked up the grandkids on her way home from work. After supper it was relax time.

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