Sunday, July 31, 2011

Days 693, 694, 695, 696, 697 & 698

A very busy week - no time to do our blog so a lot of catching up to do. Here goes!!!!
Also got lots of pics to load and will get at it later.
We had great weather all week - warm and sunny each day.

Monday, July 25, 2011
After breakfast I got my gear and our food, etc ready for our trip to Dan & Vera's camp at Portland Creek. After Bruce got home from work me, Bruce & Spencer (Bruce's brother's son) left for Portland Creek at 2 pm - arrived there at 4 pm. Then went to MountainView Park where they keep their boat and had a great boat ride (7 miles) to their camp. Had supper and then Dan took us to Brian's Feeder for some salmon fishing. No luck - Bruce rose one. While we were gone Vera caught a few nice size trout. Played a few games of darts when we got back to the camp.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011
After a big breakfast we went over to Brian's feeder again - still no luck but Spencer had one on but lost it. Ruby down to Wallace Ball's funeral and then her and Kim went to Corner Brook shopping - I don't think either one likes shopping very muck lol. Back to camp for lunch and a rest and then had a BBQ for supper. Then Dan took us up Inner Pond to The Bottom for some more fishing. Me & Bruce each had one on but lost them too. Lots of fish there but they weren't taking. A few more games of darts when we got back to camp.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011
After breakfast Dan took us back to The Bottom but still no luck - only seen a few jump. 1st time since we been going to Dan & Vera's camp (8 years) that we did not land a salmon. When we got back to camp Vera had a great feed of trout cooked for dinner - some good. We left after lunch to return home and got home at 4:45 pm. No fish but still a great trip. Had a fire at the resort in the evening.

Thursday, July 28, 2011
After breakfast we packed some gear and left for Cow Head where we met Donnie & Doris White at their cabin on the Head. They haven't checked their cabin for a few years (they live in Montreal) and it was in good shape. We then went to Shallow Bay for an outdoors lunch. Then got a 2 bedroom cabin at the Shallow Bay Motel for the night. Got set up and then went for supper at the Shallow Bay Motel and then went to see a show (Winter) at the warehouse theater - great show as always. After the show we did some relaxing and enjoyed the great view and nice warm evening.

Friday, July 29, 2011
Me & Donnie went to Rock Harbour and pick up a few things for his cabin. When we got back to Cow Head we had a great breakfast on the cabin patio - beautiful morning. After breakfast we went out on the Head to their cabin and installed some rebar rods to mark their land boundary as the wooden fence is falling down and they did not want to lose their corner marks. Also did some minor work on the cabin. We then went for a walk on the Lighthouse Trail. Donnie & Doris then did some visiting with some friends and me & Ruby went to Rocky Harbour to visit Rodger (Ruby's former boss) & Colleen Young. Colleen was home but Rodger was at his boat so after a visit with Colleen we met Donnie & Doris at the Oceanview Motel for supper. After supper Donnie & Doris left for Deer Lake and we went back to see Rodger. After that we left for home and got home at 8:45 pm. Fire at the resort then.

Saturday, July 30, 2011
After breakfast we went down to Deer Lake to see mom as she had to be taken to the hospital last night from their trailer at Little Bonne Bay pond as she was not feeling well. Everything checked out ok and she was back home when we got there. After we got back Helen had a turkey supper with all the trimmings ready for us and some family and friends - great meal - thanks Helen. After supper we sat around chatting and then had another fire.

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