Monday, January 31, 2022

Day 4554

 A sunny day here today and 24. It's 11 here now. 

Out for a walk this morning. After breakfast Ruby went for her walk. After lunch I went for a 20 mile bike ride. Then over to a unit to help out a guy with his computer. Lawrence and Teresa here for a before supper refreshment on our deck. After supper I printed some posters and tickets for an event coming up in our park. 

Sunday, January 30, 2022

Day 4553

 A sunny day here today with a cold wind and 15. It's 4 here now. 

After a late breakfast this morning Ruby went for her walk. I did my walk about and did a check on some units. After that we went to Costco in Clearwater to pick up my new eyeglasses and a few other items. When we got back I did up a poster and some forms etc for an association event here in the park. 

Saturday, January 29, 2022

Day 4552

 A mostly sunny day here today with some clouds in the morning, a strong cold wind and 12. It's 7 here now. 

Out for a walk in the park this morning. After breakfast Ruby went for her walk and picked up a couple items along the way. After lunch I went for another walk and also picked up an item. Then watched some golf. 

Friday, January 28, 2022

Day 4551

 A cloudy day here today with a few sunny breaks, a cool wind and 19. It's 15 here now. 

Out for a walk this morning. After breakfast Ruby went for her walk.  Just before noon we took Trinda and Stacey to the Tampa Airport for their trip back home. After we got back Ruby went out to pick up a few things. 

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Day 4550

 A mix of sun and clouds here today and 24. It's 18 here now. 

Out for a walk this morning. After breakfast Ruby went for her walk. At lunch time we went to Tampa Airport to pick up Mike and Diane. 

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Day 4549

 A cool cloudy day here today with a few sprinkles, a cool wind and 17. It's 16 here now. 

Out for a walk this morning. Ruby went to her TOPS meeting. After breakfast I went to Mike and Diane's unit to get it ready as they will be here tomorrow. Hooked up power, water, turned on propane, gave it a bit of a cleaning, turned on fridge, checked propane stove, etc, etc. After lunch Ruby went out shopping with Trinda and Stacey. I did a 1st draft of the February calendar for the park association and watched some golf. 

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Day 4548

 A cold wet day here today with rain all day and 12. It's 11 here now. 

Canceled our golf this morning due to the weather. I managed to get a short walk in around the park before the rain started. After breakfast Ruby went to the park clubhouse for line dancing. I went over after line dancing to help them get things ready for tonight's bingo. After that Ruby went out to pick up a few things. Then Trinda and Stacey here for Stacey's birthday supper. After supper Ruby went to bingo at the clubhouse. 

Stacey's birthday supper...

Monday, January 24, 2022

Day 4547

 A sunny day here today with a cold wind and 17. It's 11 here now. 

Out for a walk this morning. After breakfast Ruby went for her walk. We then got ready and went to Costco in Clearwater to pick up a few things and I ordered a pair of eyeglasses using my prescription from home - glasses were way less expensive than buying them at home. 

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Day 4546

 A cold cloudy day here today with a cold wind and 13. It's 10 here now. 

No golf this morning due to the weather. After a late breakfast Ruby went for her walk. I did my walk about to do my weekly check on some units. In the afternoon Ruby went with a group from here in the park to a winery in Clearwater. I relaxed and watched football and golf. We went to Trinda's for a great chicken supper and all the trimmings with her and Stacy. 

Out for a stroll in the woods...

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Day 4545

 A cloudy cold day here today with a cold wind and 15. It's 13 here now. 

Out for my walk this morning. After breakfast Ruby went for her walk. I designed a ticket and printed a sample for an upcoming park association event. After that I went to Trinda's to have a look at a couple of things for her.

Friday, January 21, 2022

Day 4544

 A sunny day here today and 25. It's 17 here now. 

Out for my walk this morning. After breakfast Ruby went for her walk. Ruby then went out shopping with Trinda and Stacy. I did up a poster for an association event coming up in the park. After that I went down to Lawrence and Teresa's for a couple of before supper refreshments. 

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Day 4543

 A sunny day here today and 28. It's 20 here now. 

Ruby went for her walk this morning. I walked to the golf course where I played 18 holes with the park golf league. 

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Day 4542

 A sunny day here today with a cool wind and 25. It's 16 here now. 

Out for a walk this morning. Ruby went to her TOPS meeting and some shopping after. After lunch she went for a walk. I went out to check the price of eyeglasses down here compared to home - not much difference at the place I checked when the exchange rate is calculated. 

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Day 4541

 A sunny day here today with a cold wind and 18. It's 10 here now. 

I went to a golf course in Clearwater this morning, along with 7 other guys, where we played 18 holes. Ruby went to the park clubhouse for line dancing. In the afternoon she went to the clubhouse to get things ready for tonight's bingo. After supper she went to bingo. 

Monday, January 17, 2022

Day 4540

 A mix of sun and clouds here today with a cool wind and 18. It's 15 here now. 

Out for a walk this morning. After breakfast Ruby went for her walk. I got under our unit to repair the cuts I made in the liner to release the water from the hot water tank leaking. Everything was dried out and I put the insulation back in place and taped up the cuts with duct tape. Also taped any other spots that needed to be sealed such as around pipes etc. Then I put the trailor skirting back in place behind the shed. After that I repaired a small leak in our water line underneath our unit - tightened a hose clamp. 

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Day 4539

 A wicked thunderstorm here early this morning with tornado warnings and cloudy & windy for the day and 19.  It's 17 and windy here now. 

After a late breakfast this morning I did my round checking units. Then did the Sunday relax thing and watch football and golf. In the afternoon Ruby and Trinda went out to pick up a few things. 

Saturday, January 15, 2022

Day 4538

 A sunny day here today and 25. It's 19 here now. 

Out for a walk this morning. After breakfast I finished up the work on a unit here in the park that I started yesterday. Ruby went for her walk. In the afternoon I put away the tools from the unit work. Then checked out a computer for a lady here in the park - still working on it. Ruby and Trinda went out to pick up a few things. 

Friday, January 14, 2022

Day 4537

 A sunny day here today with a cool wind and 21. It's 10 here now. 

Out for a walk this morning. After breakfast Ruby went for her walk. I then spent the rest of the day doing some work on a unit here in the park. After lunch Ruby and Trinda went out for some shopping. 

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Day 4536

 A mix of sun and clouds here today with a cold wind and 21. It's 15 here now. 

Walked to the golf course this morning where I played 18 holes with the park golf league - it was our scramble and our team won. Ruby went for her walk. In the afternoon Ruby and Trinda went out for some shopping. I went to the outside of the park clubhouse for our scramble pizza and awards. 

After scramble get together...

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Day 4535

 A sunny day here today and 25. It's 19 here now. 

Out for a walk this morning. Ruby went to her TOPS meeting. When she got back home she went to Tampa Airport with Gary, Sharon and Trinda. Gary and Sharon are flying back home and Ruby and Trinda spent the afternoon shopping in Tampa. I weeded the strip along the side of our deck and along the front of our unit. 

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Day 4534

 A sunny day here today with a cold wind and 23. It's 16 here now. 

I went to a golf course in Largo this morning, along with 6 other guys from our park, and played 18 holes. Ruby went to the park clubhouse for line dancing. After supper Ruby went to bingo at the clubhouse - 1st bingo since season before last one.

Monday, January 10, 2022

Day 4533

 A mix of sun and clouds here today and 27. It's 20 here now. 

Out for a walk this morning. After breakfast Ruby went for her walk. I installed the laundry dryer vent hose holder in the back door window and installed the shelf in the laundry rack. Then installed the air conditioner vent hose holder in our front window to set up our portable ac unit. We then rearranged our furniture. After lunch I did up and printed some forms, cards, etc for bingo. Ruby went out for some shopping with Trinda and Sharon. 

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Day 4532

 A sunny day here today and 30. It's 20 here now. 

After breakfast this morning we went to a golf course in St Pete's where we played 9 holes along with Gary, Sharon, Lawrence and Teresa. When we got back home I did my Sunday check on 2 units here in the park. Then Lawrence and Teresa here for refreshments on our deck. We then had some newfie visitors: Ambrose & Erna, Barry & Darcine, Bruce Williams & Patsy and Wayne & Winnie Tibbo. Gary and Sharon over too. After supper we went to the clubhouse, along with 3 others, to clean and check out things for the upcoming bingo night on Tuesday. 

Saturday, January 8, 2022

Day 4531

 A sunny day here today and 28. It's 22 here now. 

Out for a walk this morning. After breakfast Ruby went for her walk. I got at making a plywood window laundry vent holder for our hall door window. After that we painted the door to our hot water tank, the 3 window vent holders and the shelve for the laundry rack. After lunch I gave all a second coat of paint. We then got ready and went to Redington Beach for the afternoon with Wally, Trinda, Lawrence and Teresa - only beach we could find down that way with parking available. 

Beach afternoon...

Friday, January 7, 2022

Day 4530

 A sunny day here today and 24. It's 18 here now. 

Out for a walk this morning. After breakfast Ruby and Sharon went for a walk. Me and Gary went out to pick up a couple items. I made up 2 plywood window vents for the exhaust hose on our portable air conditioner - made 1 for each of the 2 different size windows in our unit. Made them to replace the plastic kit that came with the ac. Also cut a shelf to fit Ruby's laundry rack. Ruby went out for a little shopping. 

Thursday, January 6, 2022

Day 4529

 A sunny day here today and 27. It's 20 here now. 

I walked to the golf course this morning where I played 18 holes with the park golf league. Ruby and Sharon went for their walk. 

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Day 4528

 A mix of sun and clouds here today and 24. It's 16 here now. 

Out for a walk this morning. Ruby went to her TOPS meeting and some shopping after. After breakfast I did up and submitted the forms etc for my insurance claim for my visit to the clinic here. Took a few emails to get it all straighten out. After supper Gary, Sharon, Wally and Trinda here for treat night - banana split in a waffle bowl. After that Ruby went with Trinda to a store. 

Treat night...

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Day 4527

 A mix of sun and clouds here today and 24. It's 17 here now. 

After breakfast this morning Ruby went to line dancing at the clubhouse. Me and Gary went over to the pool area and took down and stored the outside Christmas decorations. After that I went for a walk. After lunch Ruby went to a salon. I walked to the golf course to pick up an item. 

Monday, January 3, 2022

Day 4526

 A sunny day here today with a cool wind and 18. It's 13 here now. 

I went to a golf course in St. Pete's this morning where I played 18 holes along with 7 other guys. Ruby and Sharon out for a walk. Ruby out to pick up a few things. 

Sunday, January 2, 2022

Day 4525

 A sunny day here today and 28. It's 23 here now. 

Out for a walk this morning. After breakfast Ruby and Sharon went for a walk. We then took down the outside Christmas decorations and packed in containers. Then while Ruby took down and packed the inside decorations I mowed and trimmed the lawn. After that we stored the decorations under our deck. 

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Day 4524

 A sunny day here today and 28. It's 23 here now. 

Got things ready this morning and then had a family New Years Day brunch on our deck. Then cleaned up things and relaxed the rest of the day. 

Brunch on the deck...