Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Day 4402

 A mostly sunny day here today and 24. It's 20 here now. 

Out for a walk this morning. After breakfast I did some more work on the motorhome. Scrapped and cleaned the house battery box, painted it, cleaned up the 4 battery terminals, cleaned all the wire connections, etc. Then ran wires from the battery box and the step motor up into the cabinet by the door and will install a switch in the side of the cabinet later. Ruby went to a park in Woodstock for a get together with her TOPS members. Landon sleeping here with us tonight. 

Monday, August 30, 2021

Day 4401

 A mostly sunny day here today and 27. It's 24 here now. 

Went to a golf course in Woodstock this morning where I played 18 holes with 3 other guys. When I got back home I got out Charlie's bike for her, blew up the tires and installed her doll carrier on the back of it. Then we relaxed and enjoyed the good weather and the grandkids. 

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Day 4400

 A sunny day here today and 31. Its 26 here now with a thunderstorm just starting. 

Grandkids up from the house this morning for a late breakfast with us. After that Ruby went into Woodstock to pick up some groceries and I watched the grandkids - to hot for them outdoors so kept them in the trailer with the ac running. Noel BBQ'd steaks, burgers for the kids, potatoes & onions for supper. 

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Day 4399

 A mostly sunny day here today and 30. Its 26 here now.

Out for a walk this morning. Grandkids up from the house for breakfast and after that I went out to the shop to check out Noel's plasma cutter. Took it apart, blew out dust from the inside, gave it a few taps and its working again. I then got at the motorhome house battery compartment - removed the batteries, solenoid & circuit breakers. Going to clean everything up, reinstall batteries, new solenoid and 1 new circuit breaker(there are 4). After that I took Damien to his work. Ruby spent the day enjoying the grandkids and cooking a great fish & brewis supper with the trimmings. 

Friday, August 27, 2021

Day 4398

 A cloudy day here today with a few sunny periods and 26. It's 23 here now. 

Out for a walk this morning. Then moved things for Noel to mow the garden. After that me and Ruby went into Woodstock to have our blood work done for our annual physical. When we got back I helped Noel trim the lawn.

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Day 4397

 A mix of sun and clouds here today and 31. It's 25 here now. 

Up this morning to see Charlie off to the hospital for her surgery. After breakfast I went to a golf course in Woodstock where I played 18 holes along with 3 other guys. Charlie home from the hospital when I got back home. Rested inside in the afternoon with the ac on - very hot outside. Ruby cooked up NL moose and doughboys for supper. After supper I went with Noel and Landon to his soccer in Tavistock. 

Charlie ready for surgery...

His 1st soccer medal...

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Day 4396

 A mostly cloudy day here today with some sunny periods, a few lite showers and 28. It's 25 here now. 

Out for a walk this morning. When I got back we took Landon with us and went to Thamesford to pick up some papers from our doctor.  In the afternoon I got some travel insurance quotes for the winter. Landon sleeping here with us tonight. 

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Day 4395

 A mostly sunny day here today and 30. It's 25 here now. 

After breakfast this morning me, Ruby and Landon went to Dorchester to check out an indoor storage place for the motorhome. Looks good so we reserved a spot from the middle of October to end of April. Then on to Costco in London to pick up some things and have an ice cream. After supper I went to Tavistock with Noel and Landon for Landon's soccer. Landon is sleeping here with us tonight. 

Monday, August 23, 2021

Day 4394

 A mostly sunny day here today with a few clouds and 29. It's 25 here now. 

After breakfast with the grandkids this morning I went to a golf course in Woodstock where I played 18 holes along with 3 other guys. Made a couple of stops on by way back home. When I got back home Ruby went into Woodstock to pick up a few things. Landon sleeping here with us tonight. 

Another beauty by Noel...

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Day 4393

 A mostly sunny day here today with some clouds in the afternoon and 30. It's 26 here now. 

After a late breakfast this morning I had another go at the electric step on the motorhome home. Did some voltage checks etc and looks like controller not working. Hooked it back like the previous owner had it and will change the switch location later to make it more accessible. In the afternoon I was in the pool with the grandkids trying to cool down. Ruby did a great salt beef, NL moose, chicken and all the trimmings supper - she cooked all of it on the BBQ, too hot to cook inside. Landon and Charlie sleeping here with us tonight. Landon had another tooth come out today so he's hoping the tooth fairy shows up tonight. 

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Day 4392

 A mostly sunny day here today and 30. It's 25 here now. 

After breakfast this morning I went for a walk.  When I got back I checked out the electric step on the motorhome. The previous owner unhooked the system that was initially there and put a switch in a compartment to operate the step. Tried to get it working as it is supposed to, hooked the wires back up etc but won't work so will have to do some more checking on it. Ruby spent the day entertaining the grandkids or vice versa lol.

Friday, August 20, 2021

Day 4391

 A sunny day here today and 28. It's 27 here now. 

After breakfast with the grandkids this morning I went for a walk. Then did a small job with the motorhome. Ruby removed some more things from the motorhome. After lunch I got at the grandkids pool - did some adjustment on the filter and then gave the pool a good cleaning. Ruby went into Woodstock to pick up a few things. Landon sleeping here with us tonight. 

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Day 4390

 A sunny day here today and 28. It's 25 here now. 

After breakfast this morning we topped up our propane tank, fueled up and dumped waste tanks before leaving Flying J in Nappanee at 0900. Made a couple of stops along the way with a few traffic hang ups in Toronto and arrived home at 1335. Great to see all the family. Unloaded some things from the motorhome before supper. Landon and Charlie are sleeping here with us tonight. 

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Day 4389

 Great weather for driving today with sun in the morning and a few clouds in the afternoon. It's 24 here in Drummondville now.

After breakfast this morning we left Wal-Mart in Fredericton, NB at 0820. Made a few stops along the way for fuel, lunch, etc and arrived at Walmart in Drummondville at 1600 and parked for the night. 

Monday, August 16, 2021

Day 4388

 A mostly sunny day driving today with some clouds in the morning. 

Got off the ferry a little after 7 this morning and stopped in Baddeck to fuel up and breakfast at Tim's. Then drove to the Salisbury Irving Big Stop where we met Lawrence, Teresa and Dayle for lunch and icecream after. After that we drove to Fredericton where we fueled up before parking at Walmart for the night. 

Great to see them...

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Day 4387

 A mix of sun and cloud today - great for driving. Its 18 here in Port Aux Basques now.

After breakfast this morning we started getting things ready for our trip back to Ontario. Left HEW Resort in Reidville shortly after lunch, made a couple of stops to say good-bye and stopped for supper and arrived at Marine Atlantic in Port Aux Basques at 1930. In the lineup now waiting to load.

Our travel today.....

Day 4386

Saturday, August 14th, 2021

A sunny day here today and 32.

Over to the Deer Lake golf course this morning where I played 9 holes along with 3 other guys. After we got back home we got things set up for Bruce's 65th birthday party. Then up to Bruce's for the birthday supper, fire and refreshments - late night lol.

Birthday boy...

Friday, August 13, 2021

Day 4385

 A mostly sunny day here today with some cloudy periods and 29. It's 26 here now. 

After breakfast this morning we went to Little Harbour to see Cal and Maria. Stopped in Deer Lake on the way back to pick up a few things. Went to supper at Earl and Helen's along with Bruce and Marlene. 

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Day 4384

 A sunny day here today and 29. It's 22 here now. 

After breakfast this morning up to Bruce's and went with him to do a little job. In the afternoon we went to Deer Lake for Dean's birthday supper. Then up to Cormack with Gary, Sharon, Rick and Kim to have a look at Gary and Sharon's new home they are building and to see Luke's home. Then back to Dean and Brenda's for a little while before heading back to Reidville. 

The big 60...

Day 4383

 Wednesday, August 11, 2021

A mix of sun and clouds here today with a cold wind in the late afternoon and 23.

Did some relaxing around the motorhome. Then down to Deer Lake and out for supper with Bruce and Marlene. After that me and Bruce went to the golf course where we hit some balls on the driving range and then played 9 holes with the men's league.  Ruby and Marlene did some shopping.  After we got back home into Earl and Helen's for some refreshments.  

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Day 4382

 A mix of sun and clouds here today and 24. It's 19 here now. 

Over to the golf course today where we played 9 holes with Donnie and Doris. Refreshments on the clubhouse deck after golf. After supper we went up to Jeremy's for a fire, refreshments and snacks. 

Fire time...

Monday, August 9, 2021

Day 4381

 A sunny day here today and 24. It's 19 here now.

Check out a small leak in the motorhome windshield this morning. Then down to Deer Lake to pick up some windshield sealer. When I got back I sealed the top and 1 side of the windshield - will see if I fixed the leak when it rains again. After that I did some preventive maintenance on the motorhome  - caulking etc. Then up to Bruce and Marlene's for supper.  After supper some of my family here for a visit. Then back up to Bruce's for a fire and refreshments. 

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Day 4380

 A mostly cloudy day here today with some sun in the late afternoon and 19. It's 17 here now. 

After a late breakfast this morning we went to mom and dad's for a visit. Carla in to see them with Neila and Lachlen. After that we went to Rick and Kim's for supper. 

We used to take Carla to see them when she was a young girl...

Saturday, August 7, 2021

Day 4379

 A mix of sun and clouds here today and 26. It's 21 here now. 

I went to Bruce's for breakfast this morning and then me, Bruce and Jeremy went to the Deer Lake golf course for the day where we played in a tournament. Ruby went to Corner Brook with Marlene, Sharon and Kim for the day. After she got back she went to Marge's for supper. I went there when I got back from golf.

Our golf team...

Friday, August 6, 2021

Day 4378

 A cloudy day here today with rain most of the day and 22. It's 21 here now. 

Out to do more visiting today. Down to Little Harbour but no one home, back to Deer Lake to see mom and dad and then back to Reidville but again not home. Back to the motorhome where we got ready and then went to Carla's in Deer Lake for supper

Carla's kids...

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Day 4377

 A mix of sun and clouds here today and 26. Its 22 here now.

We made a trip up the northern peninsula today. Bruce, Marlene & Emily came with us. We went to Cow Head to visit Donnie and Doris at their cabin and had a great supper at their place - wonderful day.

Trip to Cow Head...