Monday, May 31, 2021

Day 4312

 Sunny in the morning here today with a mix of sun and cloud in the afternoon and 22. Its 18 here now.

Charlie up from the house this morning for breakfast with us and then got then at their online schooling. After that I went to a golf course in Woodstock where I played 18 holes with two other guys. Made a couple stops on the way home to pick up a few things. Then picked up some fuel for the tractor and fueled it up when I got back home. After that I decorated the popup canopy, with the help of the grandkids, for gramma's birthday supper. Then Bob & Sue here for gramma's birthday supper - Mary Browns & DQ cake.

Gramma's birthday supper...

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Day 4311

 A sunny day here today and 20. Its 19 here now.

Grandkids up from the house this morning for a late breakfast with us and then I went for a walk. After lunch I watched the grandkids while Ruby went into Woodstock to pick up a few groceries. Then watching some golf . Landon sleeping here with us tonight.

Two front teeth for the Tooth Fairy...

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Day 4310

 A mix of sun and cloud here today with a cold wind and 16. Its 14 here now.

Charlie up from the house this morning to have breakfast with us. After that I went for a walk. After lunch I caulked around a couple of our trailer windows. Then watching some golf and now getting ready to watch the Leafs / Habs hockey game.

Friday, May 28, 2021

Day 4309

 A cold, windy, wet day here today with rain all day and 5. Its 4 here now.

Charlie up from the house this morning to have breakfast with us. Got Landon dressed up for his restaurant theme online schooling plus what he would serve there for breakfast before he sign on. Spent the morning and early afternoon helping them out with their online schooling. Rest of the day in the trailer with them due to the weather. Landon is sleeping here with us tonight.

Chef Landon...

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Day 4308

 A mostly sunny day here today with some clouds in the afternoon and 18. Its 16 here now.

Charlie up from the house this morning to have breakfast with us and then got them going with their online schooling. After that I went to a golf course in Woodstock where I played 18 holes with 2 guys from our former park. Landon sleeping here with us tonight.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Day 4307

 Rain in the morning here today with sunny breaks in the afternoon and 23. Its 22 here now.

Had breakfast with Landon this morning , then Charlie up from the house to join us. Spent the morning helping them out with their online schooling. Ruby made some homemade ice cream. After lunch I went for a walk. When I got back I did some more work on the pool filter - made up a filter and fine tuning it. Landon sleeping here with us tonight. 

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Day 4306

 A mostly sunny day here today and 30. Its 26 here now.

Landon and Charlie up from the house this morning for breakfast and then did their online schooling with them. After that I went for a walk. After lunch Ruby went into Woodstock to pick up groceries. I did some more work on the pool filter. Landon sleeping here with us tonight.

Monday, May 24, 2021

Day 4305

 A mix of sun and cloud here today and 26. Its 26 here now.

Landon & Charlie up from the house this morning for breakfast with us. After that I went for a walk. After lunch I did some work on the sliding bolt lock on the shop's storage shed. Then took the tractor down to the shop, removed the mower chute and repaired it - stitched up a tear in it and patched a hole in it. A rock had made a hole in it so I riveted a piece of rubber to the underside of it and hopefully no more rocks will go through it. Ruby did some donairs for supper and Noel warm them up on the BBQ. 

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Day 4304

 A mostly sunny day here today with some clouds in the afternoon and 27. Its 22 here now.

Had breakfast with Landon this morning and then got him dressed for golf. Then me, Noel, Damien & Landon went to a golf course in Woodstock where we played 9 holes. Stopped on the way home to pick up a few things. After lunch in the pool with Landon to cool down. Then watched some golf. Ruby got potatoes, onions, mushrooms, asparagus and steaks ready and Noel cooked it all on the BBQ - tasty supper. 

Boys golf day...

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Day 4303

Cloudy with showers in the morning here today with sun in the afternoon and 25. Its 24 here now.

Had breakfast with Landon this morning and then I went for a walk. After lunch helped Noel & Sarah remove the hardtop from Sarah's Jeep and then Sarah, Ruby, Landon & Charlie out for a ride and Ruby picked up a few things. When they got back we installed the soft-top. Then watching some golf and BBQed some burgers for supper. Landon sleeping here with us tonight. 

Friday, May 21, 2021

Day 4302

 A sunny day here today with some lite cloud and 29. Its 27 here now.

Landon and Charlie up from the house this morning for breakfast and then at their online schooling. After that I went for a walk. After lunch I removed a broken gear box from their Dune Buggy and installed another one we had in the shop. Then in the pool with the grandkids to cool down - really cools you down with a water temp of 61 F lol. 

Dressed like pop for wacky tacky Friday school...

Pool time....