Thursday, December 31, 2020

Day 4161

A mostly sunny day here today and 27. Its 21 here now.

After breakfast this morning I walked to the golf course where I played 18 holes with the park golf league. While I was gone Ruby walked to the mall by our park for a little shopping. After I got back home I did up and posted the stats for the park golf league. We then walked to Savory restaurant to pickup up our supper order. Had a great supper and then watched Canada beat Finland in the WJC hockey.

Our Savory supper....

Charlie loves her daddy's ribs...

Noel is making a damascus blade...


Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Day 4160

 A sunny day here today and 25. Its 22 here now.

Out for a walk this morning and along the way I stopped at the golf course to drop off the teams list for the park golf league and then stopped at the hardware store to pick up a couple of items. After breakfast I helped our neighbor get his 5th wheel hooked up etc as he was heading out - he's a newbie lol. I then put a longer cord on Ruby's washer / spin dryer, made up a longer water filling hose and installed casters to make it easy to move around. After lunch I made up a short hose to hook up Wally and Trinda's water line, removed the one we had borrowed from Tim, installed the new one and returned Tim's. 

One of Noel's grills in use in Northern Ontario...

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Day 4159

 A sunny day here today and 24. Its 17 here now.

After breakfast this morning I walked to the golf course where I played 9 holes along with 2 other guys from our park. Ruby went to the mall with 2 other ladies from our park for some shopping. In the afternoon I did up and posted the teams for our park golf league. Also skyped with the family.

Monday, December 28, 2020

Day 4158

 A sunny day here today and 24. Its 17 here now.

After breakfast this morning I walked to the golf course where I played 18 holes along with 6 other guys from our park - our Monday golf is back. While I was gone Ruby walked to the mall by our park to pick up some groceries etc. 

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Day 4157

 A sunny day here today with a cool wind and 21. Its 15 here now.

After a late breakfast this morning I did my check on the units and then took Gary & Sharon's car for a drive around the park. I then went for a walk. After that relaxing and watched WJC hockey, golf and some more hockey.

Landon's magic trick...

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Day 4156

 A sunny day here today with a cold wind 10. Its 6 here now.

Had a late breakfast this morning and I went for a walk in the early afternoon - stopped at the hardware store on my way but it was closed. Then relaxing and watching the WJC hockey.

Now that's an axe...

Friday, December 25, 2020

Day 4155

 A sunny day here today with a cold wind and 14. Its 10 here now.

After we got up this morning we watched the family open there Christmas gifts. We then opened our gifts before having breakfast. After that Ruby got at cooking a great turkey dinner / supper with all the trimmings. In the afternoon we watched a World Junior hockey game. 

Our Christmas day...

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Day 4154

 Sunny in the morning here today with clouds in the afternoon, thunderstorm in the evening and 24. Its 18 here now.

After breakfast this morning I walked to the golf course where I played 18 holes with the park golf league. While I was gone Ruby walked to the strip mall on Indian Rocks Road to pick up a few things. In the afternoon 3 couples here on our deck for snacks and refreshments. After that we skyped with the family.

Christmas Eve snacks and refreshments...

Christmas jammies....

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Day 4153

 A mostly sunny day here today and 25. Its 18 here now.

Out for my walk this morning. After breakfast I weeded along the side of the deck and the front of the trailer. After lunch I walked to the golf course to check something out and then to the grocery store for one last Christmas gift.

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Day 4152

 A mostly sunny day here today and 21. Its 13 here now.

After breakfast this morning I walked to the golf course where I played 9 holes along with 4 other guys from our park. While I was gone Ruby wrapped her Christmas gifts and after lunch I wrapped my gifts - all ready for the big day lol. 

Monday, December 21, 2020

Day 4151

 A sunny day here today with a cool wind and 20. Its 15 here now.

Out for my walk this morning. After breakfast I walked to the strip mall by our park to do a little Christmas shopping. After lunch we took our cart and bags and walk to the Walmart Market to get some groceries - with no vehicle here we are getting lots of steps in lol.

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Day 4150

 A cloudy day here today with rain in the morning then a wicked thunderstorm in the evening and 25. Its 25 here now.

After a late breakfast this morning I did my rounds to check the units and then took Gary and Sharon's car for a run around the park. After that we did the Sunday relax thing - watching the golf etc.

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Day 4149

 A mostly sunny day here today with a few clouds in the afternoon and 22. Its 15 here now.

Out for my walk this morning. After breakfast I finished up the painting on the fan / light and then installed it. In the afternoon we skyped with the family and watched them decorate their Christmas tree. Also. relaxed and watched some golf.

Friday, December 18, 2020

Day 4148

 A sunny day here today with a cold wind and 16. Its 11 here now.

Out for my walk this morning. After breakfast I took down the fan / light in the living room and took off the blades etc. Then painted the metal pieces one color and the blades another color. All in the shed for tonight to dry and will put it back together tomorrow. Ruby did up her Christmas cakes / cookies plates and delivered then to some people here in the park. 

Ruby's Christmas cakes & cookies plates....

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Day 4147

 A mix of sun and cloud here today with a cool wind and 18. Its 15 here now.

After breakfast this morning I walked to the golf course where I played 18 holes with the park golf league. Ruby spent the day at her Christmas cookies.

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Day 4146

 A mix of sun and cloud in the morning here today and thunderstorms in the afternoon and 26. Its 24 here now.

Out for my walk this morning. After breakfast I removed the dining room ceiling light, primed it, sprayed 2 coats of paint and then reinstalled it. In between the painting coats we checked out a unit and reported to a potential customer. After lunch, and before the thunderstorm, Ruby walk to the grocery store to pick up a few things.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Day 4145

 A mix of sun and cloud here today and 22. Its 17 here now.

After breakfast this morning I walked to the golf course where I played 9 holes along with 2 other guys from our park. After that we did the regular daily routines etc.

Monday, December 14, 2020

Day 4144

 A cloudy day here today with a shower in the morning, some sun in the afternoon and 26. Its 22 here now.

Out for my walk this morning and along the way I stopped at the hardware store to pick up a few items. After breakfast I removed, painted and reinstalled the ceiling light in the kitchen. Watched the LPGA US Open golf in between coats of paint. Ruby did some more baking - made some sweet bread.

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Day 4143

A sunny day here today and 28. Its 21 here now.

After a late breakfast this morning we skyped with the family for awhile. I then did my walk around and checked the 5 units - opened a couple of windows in three of them for some air flow. After that I took Gary and Sharon's car for a run around the park. We then did the Sunday relax thing for the rest of the day. 

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Day 4142

 A mix of sun and cloud here today and 27. Its 19 here now.

Out for my walk this morning. After breakfast I took down the ceiling light in the hallway, primed it, painted it and then reinstalled it. Ruby back at the Christmas baking. 

Friday, December 11, 2020

Day 4141

 A sunny day here today and 24. Its 15 here now.

Out for my walk this morning. After breakfast I remove the ceiling light in our bathroom and hung it outdoors where I sprayed it with primer paint, let that dry and then sprayed it with a couple of coats of stainless steel paint - changing the color of all our ceiling lights from gold to stainless steel. Ruby back at her Christmas cooking. 

From this...

to this...

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Day 4140

 A sunny day here today and 23. Its 18 here now.

After breakfast this morning Ruby walked to the nail salon and I walked to the golf course where I played 18 holes with the park golf league. In the afternoon Ruby walked to the Walmart Market and when I got back home from golf I walked to the market to meet her and help bring back some groceries. 

Using his knife grinder...

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Day 4139

 A sunny day here today and 18. Its 11 here now.

Out for my walk this morning. After breakfast I removed the trim that is around the 3 lights on the medicine cabinet in the washroom and spray painted it. While it was drying I removed our sliding patio door and oiled the wheels on it. Then re-installed the lights trim. I also removed and repainted the metal inset handles on the 2 sliding doors in our trailer. Ruby did some more Christmas baking. 

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Day 4138

 A sunny day here today with a cool wind and 13. Its 13 here now.

After breakfast this morning I walked to the golf course where I played 9 holes along with one other guy from our park - only the tough ones played this morning lol. While I was gone Ruby walked to the store to pick up some groceries. After lunch I put away all the gear we had out for the painting job and cleaned up the shed a bit. Ruby got at her Christmas baking. 

Monday, December 7, 2020

Day 4137

 A cloudy day here today with some rain in the morning and 20. Its 18 here now.

Out for my walk this morning. After breakfast we removed everything from the bedroom to get ready to paint the walls in there. Tapped around the doors, window's, closet and trim and then put 2 coats of paint on the walls. Then removed all the tape before supper. After supper we put everything back in place in the bedroom. Trailer painted all through now - ceiling, window boxes, doors, trim, blind headers and walls. 

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Day 4136

 A mostly sunny day here today and 22. Its 18 here now.

After a late breakfast this morning I walked around the park and did my weekly check of 5 units and then took Gary and Sharon's car for a run around the park. Ruby got at doing the Christmas decorations on the inside of our trailer. In the afternoon Ruby walked to the grocery store to pick up a few items and I watched some golf. We skyped with the family after supper.

Inside decorations...

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Day 4135

 A mostly sunny day here today and 20. Its 16 here now.

Out for my walk this morning. After breakfast we removed the blinds etc from the bedroom windows, did some taping around the closet and then painted around the windows and the trim. After lunch I walked to the hardware store to pick up paint and a couple of other items. When I got back we re-installed the window blinds etc and put things back in place. 

More great work by Noel...

Friday, December 4, 2020

Day 4134

 A cloudy day here today and 23. Its 21 here now.

Out for my walk this morning. After breakfast we got back at the painting. Did the taping and put 2 coats of paint on the bathroom walls. Then cleaned up and put all things away. Just the bedroom left to do now.

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Day 4133

 A mostly sunny day here today with some clouds in the late afternoon and 23. Its 17 here now.

After breakfast this morning I walked to the golf course where I played 18 holes with the park golf league. While I was gone Ruby walked to Indian Rocks Road for some shopping (Bealls Outlet, etc) and stopped in the Walmart Market on the way back. I walked down to meet her after she left there to help her with her bags.

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Day 4132

 A sunny day here today with a cool wind and 17. Its 9 here now.

Out for a walk this morning. After breakfast we got back at the taping and painting the walls of the hall, fridge nook, rear door entry, etc. All the main area of our trailer is painted now - washroom & bedroom left to do.

Payton 11 years ago (3 yrs old)...