Monday, November 30, 2020

Day 4112

 A mix of sun and cloud here today and 24. Its 20 here now.

After the rain slacked off this morning I walked to the hardware store where they gave me a gallon of paint to replace the one they mixed with the wrong base paint - we have to paint 2 walls over again due to a slightly different shade due to their mistake. Also picked up a couple more supplies. After breakfast we got out our Christmas decorations from under our deck and spent the day doing our outside decorations.

Outside decorations done...

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Day 4111

 A sunny day here today and 29. Its 22 here now.

After breakfast this morning I spray painted the headers for the window blinds, the receptacle & switch covers and the recessed handles for the 2 sliding doors. I then installed new knobs on the closet and bathroom doors. Then installed some of the electrical covers and the 2 sliding door handles. After that I did my rounds and checked 5 units and then took Gary & Sharon's car for a run around the park. Ruby went to the store to get some groceries and I went to the pool for a swim. After that we Skyped with the family.

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Day 4110

 A sunny day here today and 28. Its 22 here now.

Out for my walk this morning and along the way stopped at the hardware store to pick up some more paint and supplies. After breakfast we got back at it. Finished 2 coats on the wall from the center of the patio door up to the fridge and the kitchen. Lots of taping and trimming especially in the kitchen. Living room, dining room and kitchen walls done now.

Friday, November 27, 2020

Day 4109

 A sunny day here today and 29. Its 22 here now.

Out for my walk this morning and on the way I stopped at the hardware store to pick up paint and a couple of other items. After breakfast we got at painting the walls. Taped off the trim and got two coats on from the cupboards to the front wall, around the front and to the halfway point on patio door. 

Supper from Red Lobster...

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Day 4108

 A sunny day here today and 28. Its 20 here now.

After breakfast this morning I walked to the golf course where I played 18 holes with the park golf league. While I as gone Ruby finished up painting the doors (2nd coat) and a little trim that was left to do. When I got back home I repaired a couple receptacles that were loose in the wall and then spray painted all the receptacles and switches that were not white, except for the bedroom ones which will be done later.

Baby turtle on the course this morning...

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Day 4107

 A sunny day here today and 28. Its 24 here now.

Out for my walk this morning and on the way stopped at the hardware store to pick up paint and supplies. After breakfast we got back at the priming and painting of the trims and doors etc - at it all day. 

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Day 4106

 A sunny day here today and 28. Its 22 here now.

After breakfast this morning I walked to the golf course where I played 9 holes along with 5 other guys from our park. While I was gone Ruby painted around the windows in the sitting room and kitchen. When I got back home I installed the window blinds. After that Ruby did some more trim / doors priming and I painted the ceilings in the washroom and bedroom - ceilings all painted now. 

Monday, November 23, 2020

Day 4105

 A sunny day here today and 25. Its 21 here now.

Out for my walk this morning and while out I stopped at the hardware store to pick up paint and supplies.After breakfast we took down the window shades and patio door shades. We then got at the painting. I completed the ceiling except for the bedroom & washroom. Ruby primed the trim around the windows, doors, etc. After I finished the ceiling I walked to the hardware store to get some more paint. While I was gone Ruby painted some trim and around 1 window before cleaning up for the day. 

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Day 4104

 A sunny day here today and 28. Its 23 here now.

After a late breakfast this morning I took the keys and then walked around to walk through Wally's, Gary's and Earl's unit to make sure all ok - I checked Darrell's and Mikes earlier in the week. After that we did the Sunday relax thing watching golf, Skyping with the family, etc. 

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Day 4103

 A mix of sun and cloud here today and 27. Its 22 here now.

Out for my walk this morning. After breakfast we got at priming the yellow stripes, center beam and the edging on our trailer ceiling to get it ready for painting - got it all primed. When we got everything cleaned up and put back in place Ruby walked to the grocery store for some wings for supper. Eric and Janice got here today.

Getting at 'er....

Getting ready for Santa...

Friday, November 20, 2020

Day 4102

 A sunny day here today and 27. Its 23 here now.

Out for my walk this morning. After breakfast I got Mike's keys and went down and checked his trailer for him. I then walked to a couple of drugstores and a hardware store to pick up a few things. In the afternoon Ruby walked to the grocery store to get a couple of items. Bbq for supper and after supper Ruby went out for her walk.

Bbq supper...

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Day 4101

 A sunny day here today and 24. Its 21 here now.

After breakfast this morning I walked to the golf course where I played 18 holes with the park golf league. While I was gone Ruby walked to the mall by our park to pick up a few things. After supper Ruby went for her walk around the park.

Treat night....

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Day 4100

 A sunny day here today and 25. Its 20 here now.

Out for a walk this morning. After breakfast we took everything off the deck and everything from under the deck to get ready for washing. Washed the lanii, trailer side, deck, under the deck, etc. After lunch we put everything back where it was except for the Christmas decorations which we packed on the deck. Ruby out for her walk after supper.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Day 4099

 After breakfast this morning I walked to the golf course where I played 9 holes with 4 other guys from our park. After lunch a tech here to check out our wifi as we were experiencing very slow speed. He discovered trouble with their system connection and with the cable running into our unit. Installed a new grounded box on the back of our trailer and ran a new cable into the trailer and all good now. Ruby out for her walk after supper.

Monday, November 16, 2020

Day 4098

 A sunny day here today and 29. Its 23 here now.

Out for a walk this morning. After breakfast I removed our window screens, window a/c, bike shelter, etc and washed the back, west side & front of our trailer. Ruby walked to Publix to pick up some groceries. After lunch I cleaned the outside of our windows and put everything back in place. Then over to the pool for a for a quick dip. Ruby out for a walk around the park after supper.

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Day 4097

 A sunny day here today and 30. Its 25 here now.

Spent the day doing the Sunday relax thing, watching golf, reading on the deck etc. Ruby out for a walk around the park after supper.

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Day 4096

 A sunny day here today and 30. Its 25 here now.

Out for a walk this morning. After breakfast Trinda and Wally here to say goodbye as they are heading back home after their very busy time here. I did a couple of small jobs outside around our place and then took Gary & Sharon's car for a run around the park.After lunch relaxed and watched the golf. After supper Ruby out for a walk around the park.

Before & after pics of Wally & Trinda's place...

Friday, November 13, 2020

Day 4095

 A sunny day here today and 28. Its 25 here now.

After breakfast this morning Ruby packed our lunch and we went with Wally and Trinda to Redington Beach for the day. Very few people there. After supper Wally and Trinda over for a banana split treat.

Beach day...

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Day 4094

 Some sun, cloud and a couple lite showers here this morning with mostly sun in the afternoon and 31. Its 27 here now.

Out for a walk this morning. After breakfast I went over and helped Wally install the new countertop. Then ran a cable underneath our trailer to setup our internet. Put the cable up through the floor and hooked up the modem and the wifi router. Also helped Wally with their new kitchen sink, etc. Ruby and Trinda out to pick up a few things. We then wnet to Wally and Trinda's for supper.

They did a great job on their place...

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Day 4093

 A cloudy, wet, windy day here today due to tropical storm Eta and 31. Its 23 here now.

A day in and around the trailer due to the weather. After breakfast I removed the GFIs in the kitchen & washroom and installed new ones. After lunch we went out and closed the shutters on our trailer. Then Ruby and Trinda went out to pick up a few things. 

Wally's storm vid...

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Day 4092

 A mix of sun and cloud here today and 31. Its 26 here now.

Out for a walk this morning. After breakfast me and Trinda made a trip to the Pinellas Waste Management facility with a box load of scrap from their renovations. After lunch I helped Wally install the laminate edging and top on their new kitchen countertop. Ruby and Trinda out to pick up a few things. Then Wally and Trinda over for some of Ruby's homemade spaghetti for supper. After supper I went with Wally and Trinda to pick up a couple of items for their trailer. 

At the dump....

Damien driving...